<p>I need to take two summer classes in order to graduate on time next spring. I've decided to take them at cc instead of my own college due to cost. The courses I'm planning to take will definitely transfer to my own school.</p>
<p>The cc offers two six week sessions, Sessions I and II. Would it be a bad idea to take both classes in one session or should I take only one class in each session? I would rather just be done with everything as soon as possible but I don't want to rush and do badly, although the classes I'm taking won't be that difficult as they are GEs. I also have a PT job this summer (about 20 hours per week), but I don't think it will interfere.</p>
<p>What classes? You said they’re geneds, which “usually” means a relatively easier class. Personally, I’m taking two classes at the same time this summer. It requires more focus…but it won’t be that bad.</p>
<p>I know some people that are taking three classes at the same time this summer.</p>
<p>I am taking 4 classes over the summer and trying to get a job as well. My first three classes only last for the first five weeks, one of them is all summer long (not a gen-ed). </p>
<p>General eds aren’t really hard, so unless you’re taking it with a terrible professor your life during the summer should be smooth sailing.</p>
<p>Many students will take 2 classes over a 5-6 week summer term unless the classes are unusually time consuming. The CC will likely have a limit on courses, often 2, that can be taken during an individual summer session without needing an override.</p>
<p>I think I will go for it. The trouble is finding two classes that meet at different times. Most of the classes meet either at one time in the morning or one time in the evening (when I work). The classes I’m considering taking are Advanced Composition and either Computer Science or Geography.</p>
<p>Go for it! I would be doing the same thing at my university, but the classes are structured so that essentially, you can only take one per five week session.</p>