Should I talk to my counselor about the college I want to go to? (Junior)

<p>I want to go namely to Tulane, so should I talk to her about my choice and if I do, should she be able to provide advise on how to boost my chances?</p>

<p>yeah get to no ur counselor for good recs…i wouldn’t expect much useful advise; jus standard things like increasing ur SATs, GPA, ecs, etc.</p>

<p>Okay, so they won’t provide great advice but they will use it to help your recs?</p>

<p>Keep in touch with her. Stop and say hello. Have progress reports. Show her you are dedicated.</p>

<p>I have stopped in mine several times. Quite a few times a week. And, she has yet to know my name. I’m not exactly looking for recs - I’m just looking for her to care and put me ahead of other students.</p>

<p>I got into Tulane
im pretty happy…they offer really good merit money!!!
keep your grades up and you could get big time money from them</p>