Should I tell a college what languages I am currently learning?

<p>I plan on majoring in linguistics or some sort of foreign language in college.
I currently speak 5 languages, and I'm learning 4 more. Should I tell colleges that I am also learning more? Would that up my chances of getting accepted into a better college than if I just put I speak 5?</p>

<p>All of the languages I know now, besides English, I taught myself. Would it be better to mention that?
Or would the college not care unless I can actually speak the language fluently?</p>

<p>I don’t know if it would “up your chances,” but I would definitely mention that you are learning more languages. It shows that you’re dedicated and self-motivated. You definitely need to mention this.</p>

<p>It could only help.</p>

<p>Can you speak the language somewhat fluently? I might consider taking SAT Subject tests to show off your knowledge.</p>

<p>Yes, I’ve taken the Subjects tests and APs for the languages I speak</p>

<p>I would definitely mention it</p>