Should I Tell Schools Why I Couldn't Take Advanced Courses?

I was unable to take Dual Credit Chem because it was only taught during one period of the entire trimester, and in that trimester only. It conflicted with a Phlebotomy Tech class I was taking, which was only available at that same time, and when I asked about being put into AP Chem instead, my school informed me that they had dropped the class altogether. I should also be in AP Calc, but my freshman counselor would not let me move from pre-alg to geometry during 9th grade (I was within the rights to do so, but she was extremely uninformed about all things scheduling and I could not see another counselor) and so my highest math class is Pre-Cal and College Algebra.

Should I explain this in the “Additional Info” section or do you think this would not affect me that much? I don’t want to sound like I’m making excuses.

Let your GC explain it.

Agree, scheduling conflicts are best covered in your guidance counselor’s LOR – that way it doesn’t sound like you are complaining.

If you happen to be from a large public school with an overwhelmed GC, then you may want to let them know in a non-complaining way.

It’s okay to email to the admissions office a short (short!) note of explanation about just about anything.

Keep it businesslike and stick to the positives.

  • I was grateful for the opportunity at my high school to take advanced courses in XYZ and I enjoyed my experiences in those classes. Because of scheduling conflicts, however, other courses that I hoped to take were unavailable to me. I am excited about the possibility of taking XYZ classes at ABC college my freshman year.

That’s all you need to say. BTW there are many small schools with very few honors or AP classes. You won’t be alone in not having access to those classes.