Should I transfer from UC Berkeley to UCLA?

I’m a Economics/Statistics major at UC Berkeley (planning to apply to Haas, and may take it if I get in & I don’t end up transferring). I took UC Berkeley over UCLA because I had regents at UC Berkeley. However, I’ve been really lonely at Berkeley- there’s just so many problems with the undergraduate experience here- 300+ person classes even in upperdivs, safety, crazy expensive housing, competitive, etc. I was thinking of transferring to UCLA because I think the undergraduate experience overall is better there- not less rigorous, but just more undergrad-centric with more resources, and a safer neighborhood.
I got a 4.0 first semester freshman year (P/NPd my courses second semester), though I’m taking a math course this summer and likely will get a B in it.
A few questions:

  1. Is it true that UCLA is the only UC that views UC & CC transfers equally?
    2… Anyone with experiences with both institutions want to compare them?
  2. Is it worth staying at Berkeley just for the benefits of regents (no financial aid)?

How will you pay for LA?

My neighbor, who received full funding to attend Berkeley, hated every minute of it. She complained to her Dad, every day, about how much she hated the environment.

She’s not the only person, or former student, that I’ve heard from who absolutely hated going to Berkeley because of the experience, not because of the education so much.
She graduated this term, and is the first in her family to go to college, but there was no graduation ceremony with Covid19, for her family to experience.

I get what you’re saying. If you could swing it to go to LA, where the students are much happier, and probably spoiled, but happier, see if you can swing it financially.

Not all Berkeley Econ classes are 300+ upper-division, just the core micro and macro classes everyone in the major takes. It will be the same at UCLA; Econ 101 there enrolls 400 this spring.

Keep in mind that UCs only accept xfers who will be starting their junior year, so if you’re just finishing your frosh year you’ll have to stay another at Cal no matter what.

In the end it comes down to a personal decision. As an Econ major it should come as no surprise that people are not indifferent between attending these two. Only you know your utility curve, which says whether giving up the Regents benefits to attend UCLA makes you better off.

@“aunt bea” I don’t qualify for financial aid- the two cost the same, the only difference is that UC Berkeley has priority registration.

@mikemac actually the non-core upper-divs are all around 150-300 people as well

If you are unhappy, you are unhappy. Many from SoCal go up north and learn to love the Bay Area, and Berkeley. Others become homesick.

While not Westwood, Berkeley is still pretty safe. But what you missed out on by COVID was being on campus in spring, a beautiful time to be on campus.

Academics are similar. Class sizes will be similar. Both are top tier R1 unis, so not buying that UCLA is more undergrad focused. LA has perhaps more school spirit since it does better in sports, but that may not matter if you are not a sports fan-type person.

btw: who knows what campus housing will be like in LA in two years. This upcoming fall, they are not guaranteeing housing for all Frosh and Transfers.

Doesn’t hurt to apply to transfer for fall of '21, and make a decision next spring. But that being said, try to give Cal a real chance, become involved – don’t just pine away in your apt awaiting a transfer ticket, which may never come.

Another thought is enroll in a community college for this coming school year (if not too late) and then apply to transfer to UCLA for Fall 2021. CC to UC has a higher chance than UC to UC. Always have a backup plan if things do not work out to expectation.