Should I transfer to Virginia Tech?

Hello everyone.

I am currently about to start my sophomore year at Virginia Commonwealth University and am also having some thoughts about transferring to Virginia Tech. I was originally accepted to both the Virginia Tech and VCU, and since I was pursuing medicine, I went to VCU which had a stronger medical program. However, recently I have lost most of my interest in medicine after shadowing tedious work of doctors and instead have gained considerable interest in coding. In fact, I have changed my major to Computer Science this semester and so far, I am loving it.

I know it is too late for me to apply for transfer this school year but I was wondring should I apply to transfer for junior year. My highschool gpa was 3.89 and my current university gpa is 4.0 and I intend to maintain it that way. I am also a member of several honor societies as well as the honors college and have made few professors and faculty members that could provide great refference about me. Few things that are holding me back are, of-course the scholarship I get from the university, as well as all the useful connections and positions I have attained so far.

So the core question here is that - Is transfering better for my future career or is it not worth it.


Do you honestly think VT will provide a better CS background than VCU? I don’t know. Can your family afford the VT cost? If so go ahead and apply.

I am not sure if VT offers better CS background than VCU. I was hoping to find that out here. I’ve done some research and from what I hear, VT is much better engineering school than VCU. I was also wondering if I should apply to UVA, but I have not done that before and I am not sure if I stand a chance at all. Cost-wise, it is obviously better for me to stay in VCU but I believe education outweighs the cost.

I just found that VCU’s CS degree is accredited by ABET. That should give you confidence it will be very good in the market place.

If you are doing computer science, I’d say stay at VCU. Not that VT’s CS program is not good, it’s just that VCU is not bad. However, if you plan on going into engineering down the road then VT would be the better option.

stay at vcu, unless you just want to leave in general.

Honestly, it depends on your situation. VT, VCU, and UVA have great computer science programs but it depends on your personal preference. It would be great if i got into any one of these schools;however, i think i would prefer to transfer to UVA if possible since it offers better financial aid and tuition rates.

Thank you very much everyone for your responses. I do get very generous scholarship from VCU and there is also nothing that makes me want to leave. I was just worried that once I graduate I may not be as competitive in the market as I would be if I graduate from VT or UVA. So I believe it is wiser for me to just stay here in VCU, or is there something that I have not thought about?

Hello, A collateral consideration would be that if you transferred, any recommendation from your previous campus would be at least 2 years cold and may carry less weight then your current professors.