Should I trust my Guidance Councelor or my Alumni Interviewer's Essay Opinion

<p>I wrote two essays for the common app and was at loss at which one I should choose. My guidance counselor told me to choose essay # 1 that was about arranged marraige and how it is reflected in my culture. But my school isn't the best academically, only a handful of us go to Ivy leagues and top notch schools so I'm not quite sure if she has the experience dealing with this type of admission. So i asked my friends to read both essays and the majority liked essay # 2 which was about fashion and how it is related to history and how I looked at it as a freedom and not a restriction (because my religion has certain guidelines about dress). I really didn't know which one to choose so when I went to have my Georgetown Alumni Interview she told me she would read both essays and email me which n she likes better. She liked essay # 2 better.</p>

<p>So should I go against my guidance and choose essay # 2 or does she really know best? I know that the Alumni has nothing to do with admission boards so should I value her opinion? I think essay # 2 shows my personality and wit more bu essay # 1 is more substantive. Any advice on whose advice to take?</p>

<p>I think that you should make this decision by choosing whichever essay is, in your opinion, the most personal, detailed, honest and revealing.</p>

<p>Essay two. You yourself say that is shows who YOU are better. That should be the deciding factor.</p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>

<p>put the essays side by side; flip a coin. if you agree with the coin flip, take the 2nd essay. if you don’t. take the 1st. that said, i could give you an opinion of which of the essays i would like. heh.</p>