Should I update my In Progress senior coursework grade on my UC application now or later?

When I submitted my UC application, I listed my senior coursework grade as In-Progress. I did receive my 12th year coursework grades but I didn’t list the grades in because those grades are only my mid-year grades and are subject to change on my transcripts. (My schools grading system averages two grade terms to one final grade per year which is shown on my transcripts. So my final transcripts will not show two grade terms. Only one final grade per year.)

I will receive my final grades on the first week of March which I feel might be too late for the admissions office to consider them (Don’t know if I’m right though).
I know that because I’m applying from overseas(but still under the domestic application pool because I have US citizenship), I might have to send copies of my transcripts during the application process. So should I update my grades now with my mid-year grades before I receive the email of should I wait until I get the email and then send it? And if there is no email, can I just update my senior grades after I get my official scores in March? Also, will it hurt to update my grades twice or can I only update them once?

Sorry for the long list of questions. I couldn’t get that much help from my teachers/counselors and I’m kind of getting freaked out about this.

UC’s do not consider Senior grades in their admission decisions. Once you have been accepted, you can update the schools with your Senior grades. All Seniors will submit their UC application with coursework grades in progress due to the deadline. UC’s do not want your transcript unless they specifically ask for them. Until you are notified, do not submit any other documents. Once accepted and enrolled, you will then send your final transcript due in July.
Unless you are getting a D or F, the UC’s do not wanted to be notified of Senior grades.