<p>I am not sure whether this matters.Will the choice hv any influence on my application?
Thanks :p</p>
<p>They prefer that you do, just so recommenders feel more comfortable to be completely honest when writing recommendations. That said, I don’t think it will really affect your application as I’m sure many people do not waive the right to access.</p>
<p>My D’s GC advised that you do waive this particular right. She said if you don’t, it can give the impression that you aren’t confident of getting a good LOR…or that you couldn’t find anyone who you knew would write a good one. Most college-app advice books I’ve read (and I’ve read many) also recommend that you waive this right.</p>
<p>^That is also what I have heard from my guidance counselor in the past. As to the exact effect of not waiving your right to access the recommendation, I honestly have no idea.</p>