<p>i sent my application on Dec 30th, and my transcripts and everything else in late December. Theoretically, they should have sent me the tracking account already, however, i still have not hear anything from them!</p>
<p>I wrote to the admissions office, and they asked me to wait patiently 2 weeks ago or so.
Do they really need that long time? it has been nearly a month!!!</p>
<p>Barnard adcoms have a lot of paperwork to sort through. I’m sure that you’ll get your tracking password the earliest they can send it to you. Although I’m sure you don’t want to hear it, be patient. It’ll come.</p>
<p>Also, to discuss admission-related stressors and other things, be sure to check out the 2013 RD Anxiety Thread and join your fellow applicants :)</p>
<p>thanks. it’s just worrying to know that most ppl received their confirmation password and i have nth yet. I am international student btw, so maybe it takes a longer time?</p>
<p>I do believe there are several others in your position. Hold on! Barnard just resumed classes last Tuesday, so their staff was probably on vacation a good bit of December and early January and their student workers (who probably sort through much of the paperwork) have not been around at all.</p>