<p>Should I write about a topic that wouldn't sit too well with my family? Even if it's something personal that I think would be a good topic?</p>
<p>My sister is a helicopter sibling if I've ever seen one. She'll definitely be reading anything I send in to admissions offices... but I want to write about a topic that REALLY wouldn't sit well with her. It's about my father.</p>
<p>Let's just say there's bad blood between my father and my mother, and my sister has refused to so much as speak to him in over six years.</p>
<p>I can't find it in me to be cold towards him or his children whenever I visit him, no matter how much they tell me about how he's hurt us. I can't find it in me to really be cold to anyone. My mother and sister see me as a fool--someone that anyone can take advantage of. It's a weakness to them.</p>
<p>To me, it's my greatest strength. That's because I believe in the infinite potential for humanity to evolve--I think cooperation is the key to this. So I will never make an enemy out of anyone. Ever.</p>
<p>It's definitely an issue that's central to who I see myself as, but my sister would be mortified if I wrote something like that. I don't antagonize them. I can't quite understand what they've been through and they have all the right to be angry, but that's just how I see it. It's a subject that's really personal but I'm afraid to even write about it.</p>
<p>Is it even a good topic to write about? I know adcoms don't want to read about daddy-issues, so that's not the focus. The focus of it would be on a characteristic I cherish very much that I possess--the inability to hate or antagonize another person. To always desire to work with someone rather than against them.</p>
<p>Sorry for this wall of text, but I feel as if I need to REALLY describe my situation to get good answers.</p>
<p>Thanks for reading! I appreciate any help anyone can offer.</p>