Should son switch to ED2 (or even RD) from ED1 before decision day, and can he?

My twins both applied ED1 to BU and with 5 days left before decision day on 12/15 he tells me it’s no longer his first choice. He’a been accepted and gotten generous merit and financial aid at a safety (full ride) and still has yet to hear from another school also on 12/15 that is his current 1st choice. We have an EFC of $0 and are extremely low income, so, he is banking on BU’s “meets need” money to attend. Here’s the Q.? Any amount he would have to pay over $0, could be used as a reason to back out of BU due to financial constraints. How would this affect his twin’s application and aid (if at all) if they get accepted with the expected same exact package and they attend? Can he say, he cannot afford it when his twin could with the same package? *The twin did not get the same amount of Merit at the safety school and BU will likely be less expensive for them. Son wants to switch to either ED2 or Regular decision so that he can see if he gets into the current fav school.

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Yes, switch to ED2


Do you have any idea if this would affect his twin, and, how do schools view switching out of ED1? Does that make them think less of your application because they aren’t your #1 any longer?

Seems like he should not apply ED if the school is not his top choice among realistic (for admission and affordability) schools.


I don’t know for certain, but I think if one twin stays ED and the other changes to ED2 or RD, they will still take the ED twin’s application at face value that they intend to enroll if accepted. They are also likely so swamped and busy right now that they likely won’t even realize the twin-connection. Just thinking out loud – no real knowledge. :slight_smile:


If he no longer wants BU, then yes, shift to ED2 or RD. Or drop it all together.

You may need to revisit the costs with the other twin. It is binding unless there are financial constraint, so I guess you can see what happens.

BU clearly states your package will include loans to meet need. The table below is the annual cost per year to the family after grants and scholarships. BU determines their own EFC based on FAFSA and CSS.

Here the BU language:

What does BU mean by “affordable” and “will meet my need”?

BU is affordable because what you pay will depend on what you can afford. Meeting your need means that the gap between the cost of BU and what your family can be expected to contribute, based on your demonstrated financial need, will be covered through some combination of scholarships, grants, low-interest government student loans, and Work-Study. This can greatly reduce or in many cases eliminate your need to take out supplementary private loans. Additionally, if tuition increases, your Boston University need-based scholarship will increase at the same percentage as the increase in tuition.

What is demonstrated financial need?

Demonstrated need is the cost of attending BU minus your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which is calculated from information you submitted on the FAFSA and the CSS Profile forms. You can calculate your estimated need with this calculator, but keep in mind it is only an estimate. To determine your actual need, you mustcomplete both your FAFSA and CSS Profile. Your financial aid will be equal to the calculation of your need and may be comprised of need-based scholarships, grants, government student loans, and/or Work-Study.

Here is the average annual cost after scholarships and grants. So minimum, over $40,000 total.

Household income Average cost after aid
Less than $30,000 $12,982
$30,001–48,000 $11,782
$48,001–75,000 $18,458
$75,001–110,000 $29,925
More than $110,001 $50,125

Source: US Dept of Education (IPEDS) ·

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It should not impact the twin.

Yes, BU will know BU is no longer their number 1 when they request thei application be moved from the ED pile. That is the truth, so the child can move on. Withdrawing the application at this point is the cleanest way.

I agree with the advice to switch to ED2. Most likely this won’t affect the other twin’s chances, but if it does, I think it would be in a positive direction, as there would no longer be head-to-head competition with a sib who may have stronger credentials (based on the difference in merit awards at the safety school). If BU is this student’s #2 choice, and they’ll have an EA answer from #1 in December, then making BU ED2 makes the most sense. I agree that if they both got in ED1 and got equal need-based aid, it would be sticky for one to withdraw and the other not. Best to avoid that outcome by postponing this ED app.


Actually, the other twin has a much higher GPA and a lower ACT score and did not submit it. So, they are kind of equal at BU. My son got the merit award at a state university based on his ACT. The acceptances for son come out on the same day :frowning:


So many college websites say you can easily move your application from ED1 to ED2, but I have my doubts as well re; whether it would negatively affect you to do that.

He does want BU, but it has moved down to the #2 slot now. After running the NPC it indicated an EFC of $2015 including a $2k student loan. Would not be an issue. Thank you.

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He should contact BU first thing Monday and see if it is possible to move the application to ED2 or RD. It may be too late to change.


The financial rationale for backing out of an ED offer is not “any amount he would have to pay over $0.” It’s an aid package that doesn’t meet what what you reasonably anticipated when you ran the school’s NPC, or some new burden or hardship that’s emerged since the application was submitted.

I’m curious about the other school where a December 15 date is pending. December 15 or thereabouts is common ED/REA/SCEA territory. Does he have an active application under one of those categories at another school? If so, that could be…problematic?

All that noted, he should absolutely change his application round with BU. ED/ED1 is for the absolute first choice.


ED is for a school you intend to go to.

If he has a new #1, he should be RD, not ED 1, 2 or anything else binding.

His twin is not him. BU is no longer his choice.

If he’s going to hear from his #1 school in December, then it’s still reasonable for the BU app to be ED2. If he gets an affordable offer from the first choice school, he’ll withdraw the BU app. If he’s denied or gets an unaffordable offer, then BU will be his true first choice in the ED2 cycle. (If he’s deferred to RD by the top choice school, then he’ll have another decision to make.)

Yes. I’m hoping BU won’t hold it against him if he switches to ED2. Also, I believe chances are greater for ED1, but IDK how much they reduce for ED2.

If he doesn’t get into his current 1st choice he would absolutely go to BU. That’s why ED2 exists, actually. Thx.

Switch to ED 2…as long as you will hear from the other school before the ED 2 offers roll out.

Is this another rolling admissions school?

There is a change in financial circumstances. I’m out of work now, since applications went in.
The school is FSU which has a non binding EA round for FL residents only this year for the 1st time with decisions on 12/15.

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No. EA for FL residents only. Non binding. 12/15. FSU.

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