Should son switch to ED2 (or even RD) from ED1 before decision day, and can he?

Sorry your daughter didn’t get the news she hoped for from BU. (I’m glad you were able to resolve the son situation first, though!) I see FSU EA decisions are out; I hope both of your kids got good news on that front! :crossed_fingers:


Thanks, my son got into FSU with good merit and a great FA package (after all other costs he will “make” $3k/year for personal expenses). My daughter got rejected. Still waiting for 8 decisions now.


Ah, that’s a lot of mixed feelings in your house, eh? Great news for your son, since he’d already decided this was his first choice! Will he pull his BU app altogether now, or switch to RD just in case he has second thoughts?

Tough for your daughter to get a denial at the same time, even though FSU isn’t her first choice. Does she have another in-state option that she likes?

Son will withdraw his application altogether since FSU is his 1st choice :white_check_mark:. Daughter wanted FSU as her 1st choice FL state uni if privates didn’t work out. Not happy. Hard to have your twin get in even though you worked much harder (he tests better). She is still waiting for UF. Happy enough with UCF, but it’s her safety, and wants to be anywhere but FL.


That is tough to take, for her, especially on the heels of the BU deferral. Do you think she can get into Burnett Honors at UCF, or will the test scores make that tough as well? Is Emory still the ED2 plan?

She has applied. Idk if her test score will bar her, but she’d happily go without BHC. Her ED2 is now Brandeis. She’s having a rough week, for sure.


Congrats and condolences, @EduQueen ! Glad your son is all set. Looking forward to another celebration at your house…


Terrific it all worked out for your son. And :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:For your daughter! It’s all going to work out!


Thank you! Between merit aid and FA he is going full ride plus money back :heart:.


:pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3: Thank you!

My husband is a big FSU football fan- super loyal even to this day, more loyal to the team than even his own college football team, UMich. He grew up in Tallahassee and just loved FSU, my father in law was a professor at the school. FSU is a great school congratulations!

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Thank you! I know the school is great. My concern has always been that Tallahassee won’t have as much to offer as Boston (I’m partial because I graduated from BU and New England Law and lived in the area for 10 years), but my son is happy and that’s all that matters.

As a FL resident, I just wanted to pass on my congrats and hopes your Ds situation works out. A lot of students my D knows got deferred or rejected from FSU including a top 10 student in the #1 district in FL (good scores and ECs too). My D applied and got in UCF and submitted to UF. But we pulled both due to ED acceptance.

Brandeis was on my Ds short list - she really liked it and would have applied except she got into her ED choice. My D also wanted out of the state of FL…sounds so familiar! Pulling for her!

My D19 got rejected from her ED 1 school and accepted to her EA school and never looked back. In fact we now joke about things she would have missed out on if she had been accepted. That school may once again be on her short list for grad school, we will see after she takes a gap year.

BEST of luck!

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Thanks for sharing that. My daughter has UCF and UNF in hand with good packages. I’m hoping she has at least 1 OOS choice.


Daughter just got accepted to Colorado College with full ride :tada:


Fantastic news!


Great news!!!

Will she still do ED2? The financial aid at CC might be more generous than Brandeis. Do you see CC as a good fit?

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Congrats! What great news!


Thank you! She needed this win this week after being deferred from her ED1 @ BU, and rejected from our State Flagship, FSU.

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We are not sure about Brandeis ED2 now. I expect to get similar packages wherever she is accepted due to our financial situation EFC $0. CC is the best school for her academically. SLAC is perfect for her and the Block Plan sounds amazing, but we’re not sure about the social fit. Both are important… sigh