shoulda coulda woulda (the worried about my extra currics post) -- help me out?)

<p>hello CC board memberss.
I'm looking for a little help/guidance
you see I'm a HS junior
and I have not done many extra currics
the ones that i have participated in are all volunteer clubs (no tennis or swim team, I know, I know "what was I thinking?")
I did nothing my freshman year
joined one club my sophomore year (which I plan to continue throught senoir year)
and am in the environmental club ( I was also in the eco club in 6-8th, but i'm sure listing middle school activites is frowned upon)
I am also going to volunteer at the local hospital starting jan.
and I dont have any officer positions either... :[
so as you can see I have very little, if nothing to be proud of.
so what can I do to impress colleges?
mind you, I wont be applying to harvard or anything,
but i'm not a fan of community college either.</p>

<p>also, I'm wondering, just how much will I be able to "stretch/lie" about on my college apps?
I'm not going to lie to yinz and say i'm asking about a friend or anything, so give to me straight.</p>

<p>If you need to know anything such as grades or sat scores, lemme know, I will provide you with the information needed.</p>

<p>so thanks for reading all this andd yeah, get back to me, por favor.</p>

<p>BTW, I apologize for any "n00bish-ness" in my post. As if you couldn't already tell, I'm new.</p>

<p>How much ECs are weighted depends on the colleges that you’re looking at. Generally, the larger the college (public state colleges), the less emphasis they place on ECs. You should continue with the clubs that you’re already in, and try for leadership positions in them. You can also apply for interns, summer classes in something you’re passionate about, or jobs during the summer. </p>

<p>And please don’t stretch/lie on college apps; you may get caught with the random apps that colleges pull out to do background checks on, but it’s also just not ethical. Once again, your EC’s may be enough depending on what college you are applying to, and it would suck if the only reason they reject you is if you lied on the apps.</p>

<p>it’s all about integrity. </p>

<p>we all pray that those who have integrity get in, and those who lie are caught.</p>

<p>don’t stretch yourself at all, only be truthful and sell what you have done.</p>

<p>Don’t lie.
Continue with the club’s you’ve got.
Look for leadership positions.
Always aim to make your club important in the community (like with volunteering, put ads around town and make it a big event).
Keep up you grades.
And again, don’t lie!</p>

<p>Lots of people have only one EC to which they devote a lot of time and energy. Some people can’t participate in any ECs whatsoever because of family and/or work responsibilities. Don’t stress about this so much! If you participate in activities that you enjoy, and if these activities are helping you to grow into the person that you want to be, then you are fine.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>