<p>Hi all! Just wondering how the CAP21 and Tisch industry showcases went? I was unable to go to the CAP21 showcase, as I wanted; not even sure if the Tisch one took place yet, but I assume it did! Anyone get agents/ representation?? I know there are a couple performances on Youtube that are very good!</p>
<p>RossJi…my daughter attended the CAP21 showcase (could not be in it as she is now in ETW, not CAP and chose not to return to CAP for a semester to do it). Some kids got contacts from agents, some not (as showcases can go). I don’t want to talk about specific kids here. You can ask me off the forum though. Also, CAP kids can audition to get into Tisch’s MT Industry Night and so some are doing both (if they got in) and so may wait to hear what agents contact them from that too. </p>
<p>The Tisch MT Industry Night is in March. They just had auditions for it this past Sunday…all of Tisch are eligible for that showcase (unlike the CAP one) but it is by audition and they only took 15. I’m happy to say that my D just found out she got in it. I think many who are in it are either in CAP or were in CAP while at Tisch. She mentioned three friends from their class in particular who are in it with her (not sure who else). As far as who is on YouTube…the girl (who you know) got agent interest but she already had signed with an agent and is about to go out as Sophie on the Mamma Mia tour and graduated in Dec. The boy in her duet got a lot of contacts too and also was one (of several) who stood out according to my “source”…LOL.</p>
<p>By the way, Brian Lowdermilk (MT composer) is the MD for the Tisch MT showcase (!!) and he and others from the industry held the auditions this past Sunday.</p>
<p>PS…I should add that my D said her CAP class did a nice job with the showcase.</p>
<p>SoozieVT- that’s AWESOME news!! I will email you later to find out all the “specifics”. Congrats to your very talented daughter on making the Tisch showcase, although I had absolutely NO doubt that she would!! Tell her I said congrats!!
It’s funny, the other boy I saw on Youtube… I don’t remember seeing him in anything, but I thought his voice was fabulous!</p>