Showing an Interest in History?

<p>As an Indian, I have a passion for math and science. I am attending a math and science school next year, so showing my passion for math and science will be fairly easy. However, I am also interested in history, specifically WW2 history. I would love to spend hours researching what I'm interested in that field. First, I've loved this since I was young. Also, not many math/ science people are interested in military history. I think it would be great if I could show my interest to college admissions people. However, I have no clue how I could show my moderate level of expertise. Does anyone know how?</p>

<p>I’m going to bump. I really want to know!</p>

<p>Maybe you can write your essay on it when appplying? There’s not that much space otherwise to show your character other than EC activities and the essays. I dont think its necessary to show it though - an interest means that you like the knowledge for knowledge’s sake, which is the best knowledge of all.</p>