Showing Intrest in a College

How would you recommend “showing interest” in a college. I have heard from many people that showing intrest in a college is a factor considered in admission, and I need all the help I can get. I am mainly applying to the UC schools (UCLA, UCD, etc.). Any tips and how I can show interest? I can’t exactly go visit any schools, except maybe UCD and UCB, but socal schools are out of the option.

UCs don’t care about demonstrating interest

For any US college, you should google the “common data set” and see what THEY say they value – rather than the blurry rumors your friends are tossing up. Like BrownParent sais, the UCs (and most public univs) don’t evaluate “ interest”.

The above is correct…Google “Common Data Set” and your college and then open the latest version. Then search for “interest”. It will be Very Important, Important, Considered or Not Considered.

Typically colleges that have have many many applicants (state schools) don’t track interest…there are just too many. Ivy Leagues don’t really either, as of course everyone is interested.

So if your college does factor interest, you should do what ever is feasible/available below:

+Sign up for information on their website. If they send you email, open it and click on the links.

+Attend a college fair and talk to the admissions counselor/alumni. They will have a method for you to share your information.

+Attend a High School visit if they visit your HS

+Attend a regional information session if they have one.

+Take a tour/Go to open house if possible.

+Sign up for an alumni interview if you can’t make it to campus if they offer them.

+Asking questions not answered on website or in this forum to the admissions office.

A few UCs may use level of applicant’s interest, but most do not. Check the common data sets.

Also consider putting the schools that consider interest first on your FAFSA. Note that California state aid does want an eligible California school first.