Shuttle Run Techniques

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I’m having trouble cutting my time down for the shuttle run. My times seem to always be inconsistent. My lowest time recorded was an 8.95 but I haven’t been able to get it down to that time anymore. I average now around 9.2 ~ 9.3 secs. I was hoping somebody would give me tips on how to improve this time.</p>

<p>Oh, and I run this on my school rubber track with regular running shoes (i tend to slip a lot). Is there another surface that would allow me to do better?</p>


<p>a gym is ALOT better. basketball court.</p>

<p>stay low comin out, and stay low the entire race… it made a big difference for me. never stand straight up</p>

<p>and don’t fall!</p>

<p>Definitely do it in a gym with some solid court shoes (i.e. good ankle support and grip). Suicides are good practice for the shuttle run. Also, as far at techniques goes, stay low and really push off at each line. It’s all about how quick you can change the direction of your momentum.</p>

<p>Start leaning towards the next line before you actually reach the one you are running towards. Stay low.</p>

<p>Also try to touch the different sides with opposite arms. i.e. don’t rotate around when you touch each line…</p>

<p>Remember that the hand and the foot have to simultaneously touch the line, not just the hand.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. I’ll be sure to check back in tomorrow after my final CFA test.</p>


<p>So I did the test inside the gym and kept low. My time ended up being 8.94. I guess it does help performing in the right setting.</p>