<p>Does it matter if you enter Siemens as a team or as an individual?</p>
<p>Is team easier or is individual easier?</p>
<p>In other words, does it make a difference if you are a team semifinalist/finalist or an individual semifinalist/finalist? Is it equally prestigious either way?</p>
<p>Hey man. 2009 2nd Place National Team Winner speaking! The competition is incredibly tough, on both team and individual fronts. However, I think more people try individual, making it a little tougher. But I suggest you figure out which way you work best - with another person or with a partner. It can make all the difference, not only for whether you get selected as a regional finalist who goes on to the first competition, but also as to how you perform in the competition q/a session and presentation, etc.</p>
<p>For semifinalists, since they pick 300 projects, do they still distinguish between team and individuals? So as far as the semifinalist stage, is it equal in difficulty/prestige?</p>
<p>By the way, 2nd place team is really, really amazing! Congrats 
How long had you been working on your project?</p>
<p>Hmm, roughly 6 months of hard labor.</p>