<p>I'm not sure if this is the right category for this question, so I'm sorry in advance if it requires moving.</p>
<p>I'm interning at a research institute this summer. I'm working on projects with my mentor and am going to be doing a more individual one soon - still for the lab. Would I be able to submit this project as my project for Siemens and Intel when I complete the research, even if the idea for the project were not my own? If so, would this diminish my chances of becoming a semifinalist or advancing in the competition?</p>
<p>It seems to me that most biology-related projects, assuming your research lab is in that field, are not really the original ideas of the students. Although I'm not sure about Siemens, Intel is really focused on you're talent as a scientist, so the 5 personal essays are where you really need to stand out, not the originality of your research topic. Another competition that would be good for you is ISEF, because it is more of a measure of the quality of your work.</p>
<p>I gathered that much. For both competitions I saw forms that the "mentor" would complete that would describe how much of the thought behind the project and the work behind the project was my own. I just want to clarify that I would not be in violation of any rules, assuming my lab permits me to use the project for these competitions.</p>
<p>This is possible, I have had friends who used their research with professors as their project. Just make sure that you only speak of the things that -you- did in your paper. Any work done by the professors or other lab aides classifies as background search/works cited.</p>
<p>I am working with a professor on "his" project this summer. How can i make it part of my own project for these competitions? Is it too late (for Intel, Siemens, ISEF, etc)? I have never entered a science competition my whole life. Is there any hope? :/</p>