<p>Okay, from my understanding, anything can be put in the box on the page. Is it really ANYTHING? Like, I could put the YouTube link to a Rick Roll? XD</p>
<p>If you’re looking for a rejection, sure.</p>
<p>So maybe that’s not such a good idea. Thought it would be funny.</p>
<p>Eh. Just think about what posting the link to a popular internet meme would say about you. Oh, wait…nothing. Unless you want the adcom to see you as a forum ■■■■■ or something. :P</p>
<p>the signature sheet has to be mailed in paper form though, doesn’t it?</p>
<p>Yes, but I imagine that if he wrote the link to a Youtube video in it they would probably watch it.</p>
<p>That’s actually kinda funny. They might enjoy that.
Whatever you do, don’t put grains of rice. I’ve heard they hate that more than Martel hates Jones. Trust me, that’s a lot of hatred.</p>
<p>They only hate it because it gets everywhere in the admissions office. haha</p>
<p>hey sorry to hijack the thread but do you guys think its a good idea to make a collage with all my medical stuff (like my badges, patchs, etc.) since im going pre-med/bioE?</p>
<p>yeah, that would be really cool. It will especially help them to remember you and what your essays are about.</p>
<p>I put a picture of a taco</p>
<p>I drew a rainbow colored background with the Christian Peace fish in black on it. The rainbow colored background symbolized the acceptance of all races, nationalities, orientations, lifestyles, and differences and how there should be peace for all. The fact that the fish was in black symbolized my personal heritage as an African-American. The cross symbolizes the fact that I am Christian</p>
<p>tacos are better</p>
<p>They’re fun and interesting, but my hunch is that they will almost never get you accepted/rejected to Rice. The worst thing you could do is leave it blank without an explanation. Other than that, simply answer the question.</p>
<p>I want to put a funny picture of myself because I think it really represents me. But does this stray too far from the “What appeals to you” prompt? I don’t want them to think I’m vain.</p>
<p>^you mean conceited?</p>
<p>Both words work. But yeah, I don’t think putting a picture of yourself is a great idea. :P</p>
<p>lol I think I’m gonna put a youtube link to a performance of my old marching band…(we were amazing though…one of the top in California).</p>
<p>i doubt they take time to look at those links do they?</p>
<p>Who knows. I’m still doing it lol.</p>