<p>i think it's to break the boredom for the admin officers. And good conversation starters for freshmen.
i like mine but it's nothing too different.</p>
<p>I like holidays so i kind of did a collage thing of different holiday symbols on my computer.
didn't turn out too good so hopefully they don't weigh it that much</p>
<p>mine really tied in well to my EC's , my essays, and my major. I want to go into medicine/biomedical engineering so i made a collage of all my medical patches, hospital volunteer cards, CNA certification, and a Rice logo just for kicks :)</p>
<p>I had a rather relevant New Yorker cartoon of a dolphin applying to college in front of two onlookers with the caption, "if he were smart, he wouldn't limit himself to east coast schools" : ) I'm glad I saved all those uselessly cheesy cartoons over the years, hahah</p>
<p>Wow mihan that's a nice signature page image haha.</p>
<p>Mine was the circuit diagram for a Mixed-Signal Stochastic Backpropagation Neural Network I designed :D</p>
<p>All mine was, was a blade of grass and a drop of water coming off it. It was supposed to be the morning dew and all it said to do was draw something that appeals to me and that was the morning setting. At first I was going to keep it even more simple and do a sea dollar, but I decided not to.</p>
<p>mine was a screenshot of my desktop which is a picture of rice and a sticky note that says dont procrastinate! haha now that i think of it, it's pretty lame.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.russellbeattie.com/blog/media/Homer-Simpson-3.jpg%5B/url%5D">http://www.russellbeattie.com/blog/media/Homer-Simpson-3.jpg</a>
hehe it looked really cool</p>
<p>I snipped off the end of a roll of film. Hopefully they think I'm being philosophical or something, I just like photography. Haha.</p>
<p>I put a picture of a tattoo I want to get.</p>
<p>I made a word/picture puzzle and badly sketched it in the box (I'm not an artistic person). Hopefully they'll be able to figure it out.</p>
<p>The solution to the puzzle? (My name) loves Rice University</p>
<p>I drew a cowse. It's a creature. I invented it. It has the head and torso of a mouse and the udder of a cow. And a tail. Spots or lack thereof vary by individual creature.</p>
<p>I attached an apple juice label and wrote "apple juice is the new ambrosia"!
I am in love with apple juice</p>
<p>Flowers and a butterfly for me.</p>
<p>Yes, llpitch, you do that. The MOB (marching owl band) is getting quite a bit of heat these days; they need some fine tuning for sure. That, and great stats and...well, best of luck.</p>
<p>I did end up doing that. Hope it works out lol =]</p>
<p>Is it possible that you might get rescinded if you got accepted ED and haven't sent in the signature page yet? Just a bit anxious since it wasn't listed anywhere on the common app as a "must do" thing.</p>
<p>I drew a picture of a lion. I'm sure it's a complete make-or-break situation. We should all be shaking in our boots. :P</p>
<p>Dude, I did not know we had to do this? I didn't find this on Common App at all... Is this only available through Rice's app or something?</p>