Signing a lease help...

Hi all, so I’ve just been admitted to Cal Poly Pomona as an incoming junior transfer. I will not be put off the waitlist for on campus housing so I must now look off campus. I have contacted a handful of people on a FB page and have inquired about being an applicant to some of these (potential) housemates houses. I’m pretty much a noob about how this process works so a little help from you guys would be awesome. Keep in mind I live in the Bay Area which is pretty far from CPP. So…in order for the rest of my housemates to apply for the house they need a form of credit verification from me or a gaurantor. Being that my parents are giving me a full ride, is there any way I can provide their income information to represent me? Do i simply show them my parents income statements? Do they have to physically be with me for the entire process?