Signs the Empty Nest Apocalypse is Upon Us

<p>Not sure about using it in pesto. If you quick blanched it first you might be able to sub it for 1/3 of the basil. I wish I could take some if it off your hands. Our kale went to seed about six weeks ago and DD informed me that she wants Italian sausage and kale soup for dinner tonight before she heads back to Tuscaloosa. Off to find an open store or produce stand…</p>

<p>You soup sounds delicious - what a lucky DD!</p>

<p>Our empty house seems exceptionally quiet today after DD and friends returned to Bama. The only evidence that they were here is the leftover smell of bacon! Those students could eat some bacon! Our dog loved all of the extra attention, but he slept almost 24 straight hours after they left. What a wonderful group of friends my DD has had these past 3 years!</p>


<p>We had an if-you-blinked-you-missed-it 90 second revolving door laundry drop off visit and exit to visit friends Friday. Also known as the out-waaaaay-too-late-and-too-much-too-soon Friday.</p>

<p>The rest of the weekend was a little more restful for the whole family. Not a lot of talk, a lot of catching up on sleep, TV, and comfort food. </p>

<p>Not a Norman Rockwell weekend, but I’ll take it.</p>

<p>Never tried Kale is it interchangeable with spinach?</p>

<p>Electronic Freeway Sign: “Elderly Empty Nester Couple LOST driving White Honda with BAMA Decals”</p>

<p>Yup. Went north of Houston to look at lakeside mid-rise condos to downsize the Empty Nest.</p>

<p>It turned real rural, real quick.</p>

<p>Suddenly we were just outside the city limits of…</p>


<p>College Station!!!</p>

<p>We need GPS.</p>

<p>With our Dynasty Defined bumper Sticker…we might have been Marooned Out!</p>

<p>As far as kale being interchangable with spinach… both are green and taste bad so yes I would expect they are interchangable. You could also interchange with broccoli, brussel sprouts and that nasty green jello salad stuff. :)</p>

<p>Spinach tastes like sugar compared with Kale.</p>

<p>Opened the mail today to find my son’s first ever Jury Summons…they I thought, whoops he will not be here to serve…now its time to jump through the hoops with the courts to get a deferral and get him to get a notarized form, so glad UA provides free notary services!!!</p>

<p>My oldest son (the Alabama grad) has expressed concern that I will be bored if he is no longer at home and his kid brother will be away at college. My husband does travel for business.</p>

<p>There is talk from my oldest that he wants me to get a puppy so I will not be lonely.</p>

<p>Bored? No way! I already have started to make plans. Our athletic director at my high school always needs assistance with ticket taking to sporting events, and they pay you, too. So, I’ll put myself on the list to help out. I also have plenty of cross stitch projects to keep me busy.</p>

<p>My second (and last!) will graduate high school in May 2014 and talks gleefully about how sad I will be to move him to school (as yet undecided although we are hoping Alabama) … I assure him there will be tears, just not sure if I’ll be shedding tears of sadness at leaving him or tears of happiness for being able to walk away!</p>

<p>Empty nest - just means we are doing it right if they are happy to go and fly through for a visit now and then.</p>

<p>I told DH that I was planning a vaca after moving DS to school next fall … and that his presence was requested but not required but either way this mama is spending her first empty nest days away from the nest!</p>

<p>DH and I have been having a great time doing all the things we put on hold while the kids were home - local theater, fine dining, double dates with long “lost” friends, hiking, biking, day trips around the state, etc. Of course we are also busy cleaning out the basement and downsizing our possessions in anticipation of putting the house up for sale next year. No one can accuse us of moping around…</p>

<p>DD1 and DD2 both commented that we are having too much fun without them. I think they are actually a little disappointed we aren’t sitting around pining for them. Both are also a bit worried about the idea of the family home being sold, but DH and I are about done with the acreage and excess rooms.</p>

<p>We are planning one last big family trip before DD1 graduates college. Deciding between XMas and Summer - both girls already have Spring Break plans. Our calendars are going to be less and less in sync so it seems like a last family trip will be appreciated by all.</p>