Silliest Reason For Picking A College

Chick-fil-A was definitely on DD19’s list, along with having school colors she would look good in and a decent mascot, and an aesthetic, walkable campus. Mission accomplished on those fronts.

She wanted to go to one school because they named their dorm pods with fanciful titles like Never Land and Middle Earth. She definitely had a problem with being attracted to the fluff.


My said he really liked that BU was adjacent to a river and liked University of Rochester for the same reason. He said, with a self deprecating smile, that he really likes colleges by rivers. Who knew?


Me, too - turned out not to be such a great reason!

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Ours, too. Rather important if you row. :wink:


Oh, well I guess I can see why that makes sense! My son is a soccer player. And he swims - but not in natural bodies of water.

My friend’s son love U of South Carolina because its buildings were made of brick. I guess he was still afraid the Big Bad Wolf would come and blow down all the buildings made of sticks and straw. He needed bricks.


As a native Nebraskan memo now lives in Minnesota but has a daughter who wants to go to Pa I agree. Why Nebraska lol


“I can’t stand the East coast snobbery” was the reason not to apply to selective colleges on the “wrong” coast and to apply ED 1 into a college on the “right” - and presumably less snobbish - coast. How an intellectually rigorous person can fall for such stereotypes will remain a mystery.


And us Midwestern folks are simple minded, gun toting, farmers. Wish “midwest nice” was more the norm of our stereotype.

(Been here all my life and never shot a gun and I lean left of center. But yes, I will talk to strangers. )

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I asked her, esp since it was a community college. She didn’t know herself why that particular state. She said something about it just looked interesting.

I sort of wonder if she met the guy first (online). Who knows? There are plenty of times when humans make decisions purely off gut feelings and wanting to do something. Hers was just out of ordinary.