Silliest reasons why your child chose a college to apply to?

<p>My D (vegan) applied to one school for no reason other than it had soy milk "on tap".</p>

<p>I was going to apply to Caltech because of their mail. And other research things I did on the university after getting the mail, but, really, if not for the mail, I wouldn't have thought about it.</p>

<p>Ultimately I ended up not applying because I found out I really couldn't physically answer the questions on the application in a way that would even make me want to accept me... I still think I should have found a way, though.</p>

<p>Speaking of applications and odd reasons for applying:</p>

<p>I had gone through oodles and oodles of applications, and I decided I was going to apply to only one more place. Columbia University had a very long, extensive, non-Common App application and is extremely hard to get into RD, especially when someone from your high school had applied/would be accepted ED. Washington University in St. Louis didn't require essays and is probably just as/almost as good of a college for what I was looking for, so I opted for the latter.</p>

<p>not only did i apply there, but i almost went to a school just because i like their basketball team.</p>

<li>Because it's an ivy league school</li>

<p>"Major League City" (as in major league professional sports). Even though the college is virtually the antithesis of a sports-oriented place and he wasn't likely to have a lot of free time to attend sporting events.</p>

<p>My middle school was called Dartmouth middle school</p>

<p>Found out there was a college by that name while researching</p>

<p>"haha, wouldn't it be funny if I went to a Dartmouth again"</p>

<p>and here I am</p>


<p>S is applying to several schools in the midwest because he thinks that he'd like to go to school where there are corn fields. The #3 school on his list has moved up to #1 because the local coffee shop has the "best cookies he's ever eaten".</p>

<p>A boy at my son's school applied to EVERY school with a free application. Why? I have to guess for "shock value"...don't kow the kid. There must have been close to twenty schools for the list seemed to go on and on. (If someone knows how many, please share!) At last week's Senior Awards ceremony, they called out each and every school that gave him money. He stood there snickering while the whole list was read. Finally they announced the merit award total - over $2 million dollars! He is taking a full ride to one of them. Couldn't help but feel for some of those schools - what a waste of their time and postage!</p>

<p>Every school? I doubt that. There are tons of USNWR unranked/uncompetitive schools with free applications.</p>

<p>My older ds applied to Bowdoin not because it is an excellent school but because of the serious winter surfing. Not as bas as when I was that age and applied to schools based on their male:female ratio. After attending an all-girl's high school I only looked at schools with more boys then girls.</p>

<p>I got accepted to Cornell this year. I'm sure that a lot of applicants were influenced by Andy Bernard from The Office.</p>

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<p>It has to have a D1 Hockey team, a D1 football team, and a D1 Men's Basketball Team for me to even consider it. Turns out there are only 26 schools in the country that meet that criteria:</p>

Holy Cross
Sacred Heart
Air Force Academy
Bowling Green
Miami Ohio
Michigan State
Notre Dame
Ohio State
Western Michigan
Boston College
New Hampshire

<p>Wisconsin, BC, and Michigan are my top choices!</p>

<p>I want to go to Brown not just because its awesome but because....</p>

<p>Emma Watson.</p>

<p>Eldest s wanted a school without grades, chose Marlboro in VT! But that was years ago..
D wanted a conservatory without a choral requirement (although she did apply to a few anyway), but chose CIM this year!
Heaven knows what the younger S will come up with..but that is assuming he makes it out of 9th grade this year!</p>

<p>Oh, and I applied to Michigan solely for football. </p>

<p>My logic was it's hard to be happy with a safety school. If I have to go to it, it better have a damn good football team, because going to games would really make it that much better of an experience for me.</p>

<p>All schools applied to had to have skim milk offered in at least 1 dining hall. D was disgusted if they didn't.</p>

<p>keilexandra -
My son says YES...this kid applied every school. This kid simply went down the list and checked the box if it did not have a fee. I swear I had never heard of half of these schools. It was a complete joke since he did in fact apply to some schools with an application fee. He will be attending one of those.</p>

<p>I chose to stay in California to a moderate degree because of In-N-Out and burritos. Little things can make the experience a lot better :)</p>


<p>i'm applying to places only if they have an american apparel & good concert venue nearby, lol.</p>