Silliest reasons why your child chose a college to apply to?

<p>My d cannot have caffeine for medical reasons, and she’s always on the lookout for caffeine free diet colas, especially diet Pepsi. She just was on a campus that had caffeine free die cola in the dining halls and she is quite psyched.</p>

<p>Colgate/Wooster/etc were ruled out at once because of name. Didn’t even bother to find out if I would fit there. </p>

<p>Applied to a school in Florida not because it was a financial safety, no, but because I realised the rest of my schools were in the northeast/Minnesota, so I was worried about weather. </p>

<p>Applied to every school I visited (8 in all) because I felt as if I at least I knew the school after that.</p>

<p>^baha, colgate…ew. & wooster -_-</p>