Simmons University (Boston) _2023

Hello, my daughter recently got admitted into Simmons university for the school of nursing. she has a 4.27/4.5 gpa and a 3.78 academic unweighted gpa. She did not however get into the honors college but in the package it says that she is invited to a scholars dinner. we are very confused with the invitation and the rejection for the honors seat and are looking for some clarification. Is the university (a safety school for my kid) worth it without an honors distinction?

My belief is that Honors is for the student experience. Job apps don’t ask about Honors nor is there a place to list it.

I don’t have a nursing student but I surmise your school doesn’t impact your ability to be hired but paying all the requisite exams does so you might figure out how their students do.

I’m not an expert but they look promising.

Simmons is quite good for nursing.

However, there is a shortage of nurses. Companies who hire nurses hire from a wide variety of schools.

I would not worry about the honors college. I do not think that this will matter once someone gets to the point of looking for jobs. One daughter (different major, different university) was in the honors college at her university, and dropped it after two years because it wasn’t adding anything that she cared about. She still did quite well after graduating, and is currently studying in a very good graduate program.

Is it affordable for you? Does she have other acceptances that she is considering?

She also got
UMASS Boston – Affordable price - 10k scholarship per year
UMASS - Lowell – Affordable price - 4k scholarship per Year
UMASS - Amherst – Waiting for results.
UPITT – waiting for scholarship info (March 1st they will announce)
Clemson --waiting for scholarship info (March 1st they will announce).

She want go CITY colleges. We are from MA state.

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Nursing schools in general (safety or not) attract a fair amount of high stat students. I am not familiar with Simmons honors but there are a lot of colleges that admit students in their honors school holistically and limit how many students from the same major will be in the honors school. I know every year there is a lot of grief about Umass Amherst where top students (very high stats) but from popular majors do not make the Honors college. They do not want an honors college only with Computer Science and Nursing students. I agree with above poster saying honors distinction does not mean much in itself. Did you visit Simmons to see if it is a good fit for your daughter?

Edit to add: Did you reply to the scholar dinner? It fills up pretty fast and they do not have room for everyone they invite.

If she wants City throw Clemson out. There’s lots of ‘city’ schools or at least suburban schools. Not sure about your first two UMASS schools, but I only see Pitt as a city school from Amherst on down.

You might find some other schools. Not sure your budget and desire of direct admit or not. And don’t know about clinicals. But at u of Az, for example, you’d get $20k (assuming an 3.75 in core classes) off thus making tuition a tad over $20k etc. it’s city- ish, a short city car from downtown.

There’s many an urban or close to urban school out there. Perhaps your first two UMASS are.

But if she wants city then UMASS and especially Clemson are not right for her, scholarship or not. U of SC would have been the ‘city’ choice in S Carolina

Best of luck.

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