Simon's Rock College of Bard??

<p>Does anyone know anything about this school? i am mostly interested in the admissions process and financial aid.</p>

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<p>I have friends that went and go there, and they think it's great, if a little small.</p>

<p>my high school is a division of Simon's Rock/Bard College. I've been up there a few times, I found the campus to be a bit depressing. Definitely not a place I'd want to spend 4 years.</p>

<p>What do you mean depressing?</p>

<p>well it was nice enough, but it felt completely removed and isolated. Given the size of the student body and the general vibe of emptiness given off... I'm not sure how it would be to spend 4 years there. There are also a number of younger students there, making it twist toward the boarding school side of things. That said, I don't think I've ever been there at peak times of the semester, so my view might not be that accurate.</p>

<p>The campus is nestled in a beautiful area in the Berkshires. Great Barrington is a small but interesting and somewhat upscale town with quite a few very good restaurants, and an economy geared towards pockets of tourists who come through periodically for skiing, festivals, and other activities. The campus IS somewhat isolated, located about a mile from the town, and the student population is small. I would consider those to be positive things, but if you are hoping to have a vibrant city life, SR is probably not the place for you. If you are seeking a high quality LAC with excellent professors, intellectual conversation, and intense academic challenges, it may be a good fit. Incidentally, two thirds of the student population leave after two years with an AA degree and then often transfer into some of the best colleges in the country. One third of the students stay for the full four years and receive their BA, and many of those take their junior year abroad. SR also is affiliated with Bard College, which is only about 50 miles or so away just across the river in New York state, so if you stay for four years you have the option of taking some classes at Bard or even transferring into Bard if you want to go that route.</p>