Since stanford is on the west coast is it due at 12 pacific time?

<p>Please someone let me know</p>

<p>In a word, yes.</p>



<p>I submitted mine at about 12:10 Eastern, but it lists it as 01/02/2008. Will I be alright since its only 9:30ish over there?</p>

<p>I have the exactly the same question.</p>

<p>Reading the second post, it’s due at 12:00 over here.</p>

<p>Hurray! So there’s no problem.</p>

<p>The original Stanford FAQ about deadline is here:
[Admission</a> News : Stanford University](<a href=“Page Not Found : Stanford University”>Page Not Found : Stanford University)</p>

<p>Yea, you guys still have an hour and a half to submit your applications. Gook luck!</p>

<p>I submitted mine 11:59:45 PST.</p>

<p>^ Lol, me too. I did my short answer stuff in like, 5 seconds each.</p>

<p>MisterA, I was in the same situation. I couldn’t think of answers for the questions about books, problems, etc., so I had to figure out answers quickly.</p>

<p>What a relief! I submitted 12:01 AM EST and was totally freaking out.</p>