Since when is UW-La Crosse so selective?

<p>Im surprised at the amount of people who are getting wait listed/rejected from LAX. I have a 3.65 GPA and 23 ACT and got accepted. I think the key is to be in as many EC’s as possible. Also, a good essay can always separate you from the rest of the applicants</p>

<p>Barron’s, I would take issue with your use of The College of NJ (TCNJ) as an example of how Lacrosse might want to go. New Jersey sends most of its best students out-of-state to both private and public universities or colleges. That’s not the case in Wisconsin, where many, if not most, of the top in-state students attend Madison. Rutgers is a good “flagship” state university, with some very strong graduate programs, but the undergraduate student body is not especially competitive and many, many people in NJ would never send their kids to Rutgers. Rutgers has crime issues, an out-of-control campus environment and is a sprawling, disorganized hodge-podge of mini-campuses, linked together by bus lines. Much of the student body commutes. That is the major reason that TCNJ was created - as an alternative residence university for good students in the state system. You already have that in Wisconsin at Madison.</p>

<p>Actually there have been articles on the Wisconsin brain drain with many of the very best students going OOS.
I agree Rutgers-NB has a subpar campus situation but it has a high quality faculty and recently joined the BIG. They are building more dorms, added back the Med School and are raising their overall profile. Crime is not that much worse than the new Madison where we have seen much more frequent muggings, robberies, shootings etc. Including one last night in Eagle Heights. Amazing how I can keep tabs on things so far away…Amd they hired a new TE coach too. Looks solid. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>TCNJ has been a huge success and can attract OOS revenues that most other UWS school would LOVE to do. But you need something to sell. Madison is not like TCNJ in any way and not a substitute for anyone wanting a smaller strong school with a focus on undergrads. Instaters would benefit too as more money=more quality and opportunities. And a more national rep would certainly not hurt placement. Having a bunch of average schools does nothing much for better students.</p>

<p>One of my friends applied to UW-Lax REALLY late (like in late March last year) and got accepted. I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing she had a 3.4 GPA and a 25 on the ACT. She wasn’t very involved in extra curriculars. One of my other friends had a 3.75 GPA, 23 on the ACT, and was extremely involved in sports and student government but she didn’t get accepted at Eau Claire.</p>