Singer Scholarship Decisions?

<p>Anyone receive a decision on the Singer Scholarship? If so, was it email or snail mail?</p>

<p>my friend heard today that he was rejected but I am waiting on mine</p>

<p>My daughter got an email telling her that she unfortunately did NOT get that Singer Scholarship. But, they did give her a Gables Scholarship of an additional $ 2,000 a year for four years. This would be in addition to the University Scholarship of $ 24,000 a year for four years. So, even if you don't get the Singer it looks like there are other scholarships out there. </p>

<p>Hopefully, you will be hearing good news since there is one more person who did not get it.</p>

<p>I didn't get it either but also got Gables... oh well, go gators!</p>

<p>D got an email last night. She also didn't get Singer, but got an additional $4,000/year. In addition, she was made a Foote Fellow.</p>

<p>She's making her final decision this weekend.</p>

<p>Yes, she did indeed choose UF and her father and I stayed out of her selection process (unless asked) because we didn't want her to be swayed by a couple of UF Alums. I think she will be happy there. It was still fun to tour UM during that Singer Scholarship Weekend. We got to attend the Sony Ericsson which was an added bonus for us so all in all everything worked out as it should. </p>

<p>Good luck to all here who are still deciding. I am sure you will be successful wherever you attend!!</p>

<p>I got singer! from email. sorry to those who didn't but I hope to see some of the people i met at the interview there</p>

<p>4,000 a year. Probably still going though.</p>