<p>Hey, I'm new to this site but I've been reading and really like what i hear. I was just accepted to Miami, and never really seriously considered it, but they offered me 24,000 a year in scholarship, and a chance at the singer scholarship. My question is, what exactly is this scholarship. How many get it, I know it pays full tuition but is it worth paying to book the flight to go down to miami (live in new york). Do i have a legitimate chance at it if I was offered it or is this a formality kind of thing. Thanks!</p>
<p>I think it is something like 20 people each year, so it is extremely competitive.</p>
<p>It definately pays to go to the Singer Scholarship Weekend. I had never really considered going to Miami but I attended the weekend and ended up getting the full scholarship. By attending the weekend you also become a “Foote Fellow” if you choose to attend, which means you become exempt from general education requirements as well as enjoying other perks. I believe that they offer the scholarship to half the people who attend the weekend. Hope that helps and that you considered attending the U!</p>
<p>Yeah I was wondering whether you had to attend the weekend for the scholarship.</p>
<p>It seems like a good idea, but I was interested mainly in the Med Dual-Degree program.</p>
<p>50% isn’t bad odds I guess.</p>
<p>This site:
[Isaac</a> Bashevis Singer Scholarship](<a href=“http://www.edfed.com/planning-college/scholarship-indetail.php?id=10135]Isaac”>http://www.edfed.com/planning-college/scholarship-indetail.php?id=10135)
says 10 are awarded, and the odds are 1%. I doubt that 1000 people are in the running though! They have an incoming class of 2000, and probably admit what, 6000-8000 out of 20,000 applicants. So, maybe 1000 could be in the running. Then again, how many will do the interview? Etc etc…</p>
<p>DumbDad’s smart son was invited down to interview for it. I sure would like to know the true odds.</p>
<p>Hey OP, why not call there, ask the odds, and report back? :-)</p>
<p>called in. they say they offer about 200, and award about 50. those numbers aren’t exact, but its about a 25 percent chance of getting one.</p>
<p>^thanks for calling and posting the info. I suspect not all 200 will attend, so maybe the odds will be a bit better than 25%.</p>
<p>yeah i’d hope so. we’ll see in four weeks though</p>
<p>If you apply regular decision can you still be eligible for the scholarship or are you only considered if you did EA?</p>
<p>I have not heard yet from U miami and applied Early Action. Do you think that means a rejection is on its way? Has anyone gotten anything other than an acceptance in the past few days?</p>
<p>You are still eligible for the scholarship under regular decision. There is another Singer Scholarship weekend after regular decision notification.</p>
<p>What kind of grades, test scores and extra curricula’s did u have to be considered for the scholarship? I just want to know if I may qualify this year</p>
<p>See the link above provided by DumbDad, or google it for UM’s site.
I thought they gave out more than 10 in the past so this site may not be accurate.
Son is a Singer Scholar and loves UM!!</p>
<p>D was a Singer finalist last year. We, too, made the trip from NY, metsman, and it was then that she decided to go to Miami. She did not receive the Singer, but was awarded the $4,000 Gables scholarship on top of the President’s scholarship, and also was made a Foote Fellow. (I don’t think that all Singer finalists are made Foote Fellows.) I believe that approximately 50 students are awarded the Singer. Last year there were 3 Singer weekends, EA applicants at the first 2 and regular decision applicants at the 3rd. I want to say that there were about 75 kids each weekend.
All in all, it was a fabulous experience, and, if invited, I would highly recommend attending!
Good luck!</p>
<p>if i got a 32 act, a 4.3 gpa, strong extracurriculars, and work experience do u think i could be invited to the interview weekend?</p>
<p>its possible. but don’t count on it for sure. you should have a shot at 16k a year</p>
<p>Our son was successful in receiving a Singer Sclolarship last year.</p>
<p>As previously posted, approximately 200 came to the campus over 2 - 3 weekends to be introduced to the U and for an interview for the award.</p>
<p>As parents, we benefited from a complete schedule of events. The university president, Donna Shalala, along with many faculty showed their pride in what U of Miami offers.</p>
<p>Our son was thrilled to receive a Singer and has loved his time on the campus. If offered, attend. I believe you will be very glad you did.</p>
<p>what kind of grades and scores did your child receive? I am just looking for as much info as I can because I really need a good scholarship if I want to go to school.</p>
<p>you need probably a 34+ ACT and a 1450+ SAT to even be invited. most recipients had a 35-36 act and 1500-1600 SAT</p>
<p>Our son scored 35 in the ACT’s and 1490 on the SAT’s. Good average and activities.</p>