Singer/Stamp Scholarship Notification

<p>Hi everyone. I was at U Miami last weekend for the Stamps Scholarship Weekend. They said notification would happen in a week, but I was wondering whether we would find out online (via email) or through "snail" mail. Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>We were there too, and while they didn’t say, I would suspect it will be snail mail. Basing that on the fact that the University Scholarship notification was by snail also. Of course, we’ll be checking email daily also! Good luck to you!

<p>I was there too. They didn’t say how they would notify us, but since they are going to have decisions by the end of the week, i would think that they would probably send out emails and then send out the official letters. At least i hope its by email so that we can find out sooner.</p>

<p>Do you all think decisions will come out tomorrow?</p>

<p>i think they’ll come by email tomorrow?</p>

<p>^How do you know?</p>

<p>it’s just a guess, but it’s because a week ago they told us we would get them in one week
and then i think it’s by email because last year singer notifications were sent by email</p>

<p>did they say one week or within a couple weeks?</p>

<p>i’m pretty sure they said one week (that’s at least what my dad and i both heard at different times)</p>

<p>Any idea what time they were released?</p>

<p>no clue, lol but i’m hoping soon! their admissions office is closed on saturdays i think? so if i had to guess i would say anytime this afternoon?
good luck everyone!</p>

<p>if the office is closed on saturdays, i think we probably won’t hear until monday, at least</p>

<p>I’m waiting, too. Has anyone heard?</p>

<p>No word here, either by email or in snail mail delivery today. Probably won’t be until Monday or Tuesday.</p>

<p>I just got the notification about the Singer/Stamps awards. It says I’m a Stamps finalist and I have another interview coming up…</p>

<p>How did you hear about that?</p>

<p>You received the Singer then? Did you get an email or a letter via snail mail?</p>

<p>i just got my notification too. it came by email. i got the singer scholarship : )</p>

<p>^^ kfm, did you get the Stamps interview also?</p>

<p>i didn’t get it /: i got the Gables Scholarship and a Foote Fellow invitation though. does anyone know if the Gables scholarship is an annual award or a one-time award?</p>