Singer-Stamps 2016

Still haven’t heard. I sent an email earlier today and he said that they are trying to have all the emails sent out by the end of the day.

@sjglove41 what time did you send it and what time did they reply? can you copy and paste their reply onto here?

also, what emails are people checking? im pretty sure we have not gotten addresses yet right?

I feel sure those getting Singer have been notified. Hopefully the rest of us

Will hear something soon.

What I find the worst of this whole process is that they give a relatively firm date and then miss it, but as if that is not stressful enough then every afternoon this whole week they have sent another email that starts “congratulations” and continues with general cognate info, visit the U in your area, etc. It makes me feel almost like they are intentionally building suspense which will make the probable rejection that much more hurtful.

and it’s 10:30 :frowning:

I completely agree with @stefalis. This shouldn’t be that hard to get done on time.

Agree with last two posts. Guess we wait until Monday…

This waiting game is making UMiami less attractive. Since they can’t get their act together on this, it makes us wonder what other aspects of the university might also be mismanaged.

If you see last years’ posts you will find the same complaints. I guess getting 300 stellar candidates and then choosing about 75 out of them is a difficult task for them every year.

Still they should stick to their self stated deadlines

I’m also assuming that no one got a denial email yet and based on past experiences with scholarship finalist stuff, it seems like they’re just waiting to send out a mass reject email. Why they’re waiting this long though, who knows.

I was sent an acceptance email Wednesday, but I wanted to share some info that I learned on the scholarship weekend (2nd one). When we were there, we asked how many people received the scholarship and they said around 10%, so I’m not sure how accurate the 75 out of 300 is. Perhaps the 10% was only for the second weekend but just wanted to share the stat they told us there.

For those who have received a scholarship offer, is there a date by which you have to accept the offer?

@Miamiman305 do you know or what is your best guess for the number of attendees at the second weekend? Also wondering same question as @laroyri about an acceptance timeline…

For those that have received the Singer or Stamps from Miami, what other schools / awards are you deciding between?

My child is have a Very difficult time deciding between Stamps at UM and USC / Trustee (full tuition).

Hey @SoProudofMyChildren I got the stamps and full tuition at USC as well and I’m also deciding (funny the overlap). Wondering if your kid was leaning to either school? they’re both definitely great places, but free money is really hard to turn down.

I think the two of you might want to chat! It has been excruciating trying to differentiate the differences (meaning identifying any meaningful differences) We are in Illinois from a top national public high scbool of about 4000 students, how about you? My child will be Biomedical Engineering and Premed, how about you?

@SoProudofMyChildren and @Cricketnepal, you are in an envious position. Congratulations! Without knowing more of your profiles/background details, I would most likely advise my D, if she is lucky enough to be in this position next year, to go with Stamp. My impression is that Stamp might give you more personalized opporunities and connections not to mention more schoarship. U of M would provide a fine education for a premed. You really can’t go wrong with either choice.

Decisions are out. Daughter got 4K and foote fellows. Total scholarship is 25k per year now.