Singer/Stamps Weekend Decisions Thread

<p>We should be finding out in a few days, so I figured I might as well create a thread for people to post decisions when they find out. Good luck to everyone! I know that I've been checking my email every 10 minutes since I got home, haha. Hopefully they come soon!</p>

<p>Good luck to all! Cristi Busto posted in the Facebook group saying that she should have final decisions by the beginning of next week and will be sending out (via mail and e-mail) decisions as she gets them.</p>

<p>Do you happen to know if they pick more than the 5-7 Stamps recipients this round? In other words, do they pick say, 20 people who will interview with Mr. Stamps and then 5-7 will be chosen, or are they now picking ~7 students and Mr. Stamps will simply confirm the nomination provided the interview goes okay?</p>

<p>I’m hoping they come a few days early (like today). This wait is killing me!</p>

<p>“will be sending out (via mail and e-mail) decisions as she gets them.” I assume that means they will not be sent out all at once. I wonder how long it will take to get to everyone. I hope it’s not alphabetic, because our last name begins with W</p>

<p>i thought they were going to give him just a few…like 5 or 7. Something close to the number that he would accept. I thought they were very vague about the numbers of scholarships they would hand out because he kept saying…we haven’t had the interviews yet.</p>

<p>has anyone gone to their myUM and noticed anything new under “current awards”?</p>

<p>I think SeekingUni added the last part about “as she gets them”. On the facebook group, she just says she will send them out by e-mail and mail simultaneously, nothing about “as she gets them”. So my guess is they will all be sent out at once (or as close to all at once as one can manage when emailing 120 students :P)</p>

<p>Overheard in the admissions office: they’ll all be sent out on Monday.</p>

<p>You didn’t hear it from me!</p>

<p>Good luck, have a great weekend!</p>


That’s essentially what is implied with the usage of simultaneously - she gets them and at the same time (i.e. simultaneously) sends them. Either way, apparently Monday it is!</p>


Yes, my Coral Grant went away. I e-mailed and asked and was promptly told that “after further review, it was determined that I was no longer eligible” which is a rather odd reason, considering I fully meet the requirements for the Coral Grant, and it doesn’t make sense for it to mysteriously disappear after having been there for almost two weeks (at least). I’m curious to know if anybody else has seen any changes as well.</p>

<p>when did you get it, and when did it “go away”? did you get a merit scholarship in addition? coral grant is need based…did you qualify? maybe they awarded it by mistake.</p>

<p>I also had a change, though my grant aid remained the same - I went from a Endowment/Gift award to a Coral Grant (which I’m uncertain if I qualify for in terms of ‘need-based’), though each was for the same amount of money. I’m not sure if I should ask about it or not, since I still have the same overall grant aid.</p>

<p>I got it when my aid package was first posted, like I said I think almost two weeks ago, and it disappeared within the last day or so. Nothing else has changed in that time, other than me paying my enrollment deposit on Wednesday. </p>

<p>In terms of need, yes I qualify, in fact way beyond qualify. My original aid package was $48,000 + about $3,000 in loan eligibility, but now they took the Coral Grant back ($11k) and replaced it with further loan eligibility, so now I’m at about $37,000 before loans.</p>

<p>Hey everyone, how did the interviews go for you?I’m so nervous… my email’s been open since this afternoon, and then I read this thread, and found out they’re sending out decisions monday… Odd, to think I might have met you guys in person at the actual interview…Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>**Time to put this thread back on the top of the board so that we can find it easily! I also noticed the last post number here was an unlucky #13 so not wanting to take any chances, I figured it was better to have 14 posts in this thread before any decisions were posted here. Yes, I know I’m grasping at straws here at this point : ) I searched for last year’s thread with Singer/Stamps scholarship decisions and the first recipient posted at 3:21 pm CENTRAL time, so 4:21 pm for most of you on the Monday nine days after the weekend ended.</p>

<p>If that pattern holds true (and our loyal admissions office insider/intrepid covert spy, rankinr, has already given us a heads up to watch for email notifications today) there should be big news for the []_[] board later today! Here’s hoping they somehow found extra $, decided all our kids were so worthy that they couldn’t decide between them, and awarded them all Singers! (otherwise I’m going into sulky lurk mode for a few weeks while desperately hoping a Miami Grant will appear)
I’ll try to finish my trip report this afternoon before the news comes out, in case I do have to go off in a snit after the scholarship decisions are released : P

In case of bad news, I’ll be over at Costco stocking up for D’s frozen future in the frigid northlands of Minnesota, scooping up any remnants in the end of the season ½ price bargain bins of their imitation Uggs (D has these in black so I’ll be looking for brown) and six packs of long thermal underwear. Darn, I’ll bet they’re sold out of earmuffs and heated socks this late in the season…anyway:</p>

<p>[]<em>[][]</em>[][]<em>[]~GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!~[]</em>[][]<em>[][]</em>[]**</p>

<p>didn’t get it the singer oh well :(</p>

<p>Can 1 or 2 of you PM me when you hear? Phone is better at email than <a href=“http://www”>www</a>. Thanks and good luck to all!</p>

<p>Didn’t get Singer. Sorta surprised, but oh well =&lt;/p>

<p>Didn’t get it here, either! Not surprised, but disappointed.</p>

<p>I didn’t get anything either. Looks like I won’t be able to afford the U. It’s been fun, though. Congrats to anyone who did get it.</p>

<p>Arrrg - I was hoping for a better start to the news todsy…</p>