single dorm rooms

<p>i'm planning on transferring fall of 2009, and waiting for acceptance.
i want to stay in a residence hall, but i definitely want a single room. of the halls that offer singles, smith and tripp hall are the two that i'm interested in. i was wondering if there is a way to request a single room? also, what are the chances of getting a single room in smith hall? thanks</p>

<p>Ummm, 1%? Sophomores staying on another year gobble up the singles pretty quickly. The only way to guarantee a private room is to live in one of the private halls.</p>

<p>That's what i assumed. But getting a single at Tripp is not as difficult, right? It's an all transfer dorm and its description says it is mostly singles.
Does anyone live in Tripp Hall that could give me a description on how it is?</p>

<p>There are no singles left in the campus dorms.... at least for returner students who live in UW housing now and will return next year, but I don't know if they save any for transfers to sign up for. Tripp is very nice if you can get a room there! I'm returning to Lakeshore next year and it's definitely a nice place to live.</p>

<p>^They do, because they reserve a certain number of rooms for transfers and incoming freshman to have. It might say that there's no rooms left, but that's only because the amount allowed for returning has been filled. </p>

<p>I agree about Tripp. I don't live there, but I've been in there. Plus, they have nice(r) fridges. With actual (little) freezers, though I don't know how well they work. ;] Tripp's a nice place. It's an older building, and I think the bathroom situation (which I've heard isn't bad) is nine people to a bathroom with one shower and two toilets, but that's second-hand information, and I may be wrong. That's about the extent of my knowledge on Tripp. The rooms really aren't that bad! It's a nice place. :)</p>

<p>There is no way to request a single room if you are incoming. You can have dorms with singles at the top of your preferences (i.e., Tripp), but that's about the extent of it. You might get in Smith (which I don't think is very likely), but you might not get a single.</p>

<p>Adams is another dorm to place higher on your list if you're looking to snag a single room too... right next door to Tripp :-)</p>

<p>If having a single is a top priority for you, I'd remove the gamble and just go private dorms.</p>

<p>I think they all have singles, and for prices comparable to that of university housing.</p>

<p>Your first year at UW shouldn't be a drop of the dice. </p>

<p>Campus</a> Connect | Student Housing at UW-Madison and The</a> Towers .</p>

<p>I'm not sure if statesider has singles. If they do they'll be outrageously expensive. The most comparable to housing will be the singles at Highlander House (which I'm pretty sure is all freshman and transfer students next year).</p>

<p>Good luck in your choice, kimu is dead on. If you want half a hope at a single you've gotta request tripp and adams.</p>

<p>thanks for all the info!
i'll definitely look into the private dorms.
I looked up some info on adams hall and it says it part of an international learning community which has a fee of $200. is this something i can choose to join, or does being in adams hall automatically mean you are part of the ILC?</p>

<p>hey, im a transfer student as well and considering tripp. i'm just wondering if the building has any lounges/study space b/c i didnt see any mention of them on the website.</p>

<p>All of the dorms have lounges/dens on each floor or in each house, I believe, plus other study areas- see the Res Halls computer labs in various parts of campus. Some dorms also have other public spaces as well as the food service areas. Steenbock (Agriculture) Library is only a short block away from the lakeshore dorms for a good study place.</p>

<p>thank you very much</p>

<p>Give Res Halls a call regarding your chances for a single. A student in the dorms as a freshman but then not has virtually no chance of returning and getting a single- check on a transfer's chances.</p>