Hi, I will be attending Northwestern as a freshman next year. For medial purposes, I need to have my own sleeping room. On the other hand, I wish to have the roomate experience as well. Are there any dorms on campus that offer suite style rooms where there are your own separate sleeping rooms but a common area for your roomate(s). If not, which ones offer single rooms?
Many of the residence halls have some singles. Your only real option for real suites is Slivka, but that might not fit you well. There are places with “open suites” so there’s a lounge and bathroom per certain amount of students, so it’s not a common area that is limited to your use only, but it is conducive to meeting your neighbors.
Personally, I would suggest picking a residential college with a theme you’re interested in. It won’t be the roommate experience -nothing will- but it’ll be a good community.
Northwestern is switching to a suite style living within 10 years, but currently what the above comment says is the best advice you can get
Are there certain “open suites” that you recommend? Also, are there any residential colleges with this style of housing? Thanks
Yeah, NU is moving towards suites, but those will mostly (possibly only) be for non-Freshman. Plus, like you said it’s a long way away.
As for open suites, I know that Jones, ISRC, and CRC are all open suites. You should be able to find out if they are open suites on the residential page.