Single or Shared Space Dorms in College?

<p>I am a Senior in highschool and i am applying for housing for UT Austin now.</p>

<p>I am an only child at home, but i am very social. I know it could be lonely to live in a dorm all by yourself.. so what do you think about Single space?
Do the pro's outweigh the con's?</p>

<p>My first choice right now is 1st preference: single space. 2nd: shared.</p>


<p>I dunno why people think singles are lonely. I live in an all-singles dorm and the atmosphere is pretty damn social. Most of us leave our doors open when we aren’t busy and people walk in and out all the time.</p>

<p>singles are the way to go. no one else’s alarm to wake you up…but if you lock yourself out youre on your own.</p>

<p>is it uncommon for undergrad first year students to have single space?
i chose single as first preference and shared second… i hope UT has enough single space dorms…</p>

<p>I think it’s uncommon at huge public schools but I guess you still have a fair shot.</p>

<p>I lived in a single freshman year and it was great!</p>

<p>I’m in a single for medical reasons, and while I do prefer it, it can get lonely. The thing about my dorm, though, is that there are only 20 or so people in it altogether, most of which aren’t overly social, so leaving my door open never did much. I’ve still made friends (mostly outside of the dorm), but I’ve had to put out an honest effort in order to do so.</p>

<p>For the most part, though, social people shouldn’t have problem making friends, and I think most freshman dorms are bigger than the one I’m in now (I’m at a really small school).</p>

<p>What kind of medical problems would allow you to get single accommodations? (Not to inquire about shelovescliche’s specifically, I’m just looking for a general answer.)</p>

<p>I’m social but I’m kinda don’t like people touching my things so really single dorms should be okay. I think it’s difficult not to be social at UT anyway. Oh and I gotta get on the UT housing thing, too…</p>

<p>My roommate moved out mid-semester, and i love the single dorm-life SO much better. My roommate and I were never friends, and having a single never made me have less friends or anything like that. If I had started out with a single in the beginning of the year, I can’t imagine how my friends situation would be any different.</p>

<p>It is odd that wanting a single seems anti-social. I love to talk to and get to know people, but I want to be able to use my space as I want. After sharing a room with my brother when I was younger and moving to a not so private half room (hard to explain) I definitely want my own room in college.</p>

<p>I’m thinking of getting a 1 bedroom apartment… any thoughts or ideas about that?
It’s CHEAPER and better off… more privacy.</p>

<p>what do yall think??</p>

<p>I have a single this year, definitely hasn’t stopped me from making friends. Just leave your door open/walk around your floor the first week and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>what about getting a 1 bedroom apartment??
it would be cheaper…</p>

<p>I really liked having a roommate, but I felt that he got annoyed when I invited my friends over that he didn’t really know, so I didn’t do that often. It also felt like I roomed with more than just him too, because our entire floor lived on our futon in front of our TV and Xbox. I would come in and he wouldn’t be there but two random people would lol. We picked each other though, so it really helped because other people I could have ended up with would have been not as good of friends.</p>

<p>If you are territorial however (I’m not) then definitely go with a single. It doesn’t really make a difference.</p>

<p>Probably not a good idea to get a one bedroom apartment if you are going to be a freshman because you won’t end up meeting any people most likely.</p>