Single rooms

<p>Was just assigned my room in Stanford. The page on myUM does not indicate a room mate - just me. Did some research and I think think that I might be in a single. Is it correct that rooms with numbers X22 are singles? How many singles are on each floor?</p>

<p>hmm i’m not positive, but i think if you have a single it will says “Small Single - Stanford” on your housing assignment page (i have a single in hecht and that’s what it says for me but hecht vs. stanford)
somewhere i think i read that rooms that end in 22 were alternative layout?
there was a thread on it earlier i believe</p>

<p>How do I find out who my room mate is then? Should this be posted on my housing assignment page?</p>

<p>22 rooms are not singles. They are alternate layout rooms. You’re roommate will be listed on MyUM. See the thread titled “Housing” pages 3 and 4 for more information about 22 rooms</p>

<p>Sorry, the discussion about 22 rooms is pages 3 and 4 of “Pictures of a Freshman Dorm room” not “housing”</p>