I am a potential incoming freshman, have not submitted SIR (still undecided). I am quite bloody set on getting a single room. How difficult is this and is there anyway to indicate my preference? Also I am still deciding between UCSB and UCSD so if anybody knows about single rooms in UCSD that would be great too.
UCSD has single rooms in the Warren College dorms.
If you absolutely need a single at UCSB, it won’t be hard. You submit a dorm/roommate preferences form sometime over summer (maybe even earlier). On it you indicate which residence hall and what number occupancy. This is where you would put single for all 8 options and different residence halls for each. If you do your research, I’m sure you can figure out which res halls have the highest number of singles (or greatest chance of getting one), (probably Manzanita Village). From this, you just set your top preference as the one with the most singles and the second preference as the one with the second most singles and so on. I’m pretty positive you’ll get it that way.