<p>Is there any possibility for a freshman to get a single dorm room? I'm not anti-social or anything, but I kinda run on my own hours, and for the sake of my potential roommate I would not want to subject anyone to that, lol. Please let me know how plausible this is, thanks!</p>
<p>If you want a single it is very likely that you will get one; especially if you are a girl (because Balch is full of them). Dickson has a bunch of singles so you might get placed in there. There is also a possiblity that you might get a single if you asked for a double.</p>
<p>Single rooms will cost a few hundred more per year than doubles.</p>
<p>norcal- For my roommate's sake, it's probably worth the few hundred bucks... :p</p>
<p>Is it still likely if I'm a guy (which I am)?</p>
<p>i am anti-social and i need a single room</p>
<p>Does this mean that if I want a single room, I will have to pay a few hundred dollars per year in addition to $43,000(Engineering)?
If so, does that go into my parents' contribution or my summer work?</p>
<p>it goes into your overall, and they will most likely either give you grant/loan. your parent's contribution and summer work expectancy will not change. I got a SUPER single this year (a LOT more money than a double) and they just covered it in my grants (yippie). i'm moving to a large single (actually bigger than my current room and 2x the closet size) so it doesn't really matter for me.</p>
<p>trust me, everyone will be envious of ppl who live in singles.</p>
<p>What is a super single?</p>
<p>Wouldn't having a roommate be more fun for those who aren't so concerned with causing inconvenience in regards to time issues? Hmm</p>
<p>depends on you and your roommate. don't get me wrong, i LOVED L-O-V-E-D love her. but she is not my roommate anymore, but lives next to me. at the end of the day, it's just nice to go into a room that's all your own, get naked, and snore. well, j/k about some of that, but you get my point.</p>
<p>one of my favorite thing is that i get to decorate my wall (all four of them) whatever I want. My obsessions are kissing posters, and they pretty much over my whole entire wall. i doubt a roommate would have appreciated that. plus i have a nice futon for guests and friends who live far away once in a while. </p>
<p>a super single is a double converted into a single.</p>
<p>how can u get a super single? do you have to apply or is it random?</p>
<p>this mite be a stupid question, but ppl say they have couches, tvs, minifridges, some even treadmills (lol legally blonde)..do you have to keep moving all that stuff every semester?</p>
<p>every year yeah, you take it home over the summer. Even at $2000 a year more for a single (totally hypothetical number) thats less than 200 a month in price difference. When you think about apartment prices that helps you put it in perspective.</p>
<p>so sparticus, are u saying that even if its 2k a year, which its only like 800 bucks, its still worth getting a single.?</p>
<p>Out of all the schools I applied to, I'm ashamed to say cornell is one of only two I haven't visited yet, due to its remoteness etc but that's petty excuse. If I end up going to Cornell, I guess I'd like to have singles for 1) privacy 2) odd hours for working/sleeping I've my own schedule3) more space, more room to put my stuff,,,, If it costs less than $1000 a year, then I think it's worth it, is there a good cornell room & board web link, with plenty of discussions preferably?</p>