SITE program for engineering at UA

Has anyone out done the SITE program at UA or had a kid who did it?

I was wondering what the program was like - I read the info about the program on the website, but I was wondering specifically how helpful the program was?
I am looking for something brief that would help a kid interested in science decide whether he/she would like engineering. PAVE at Vanderbilt is good, but too long and too expensive.


Hi NerdyParent! My D2 went to the SITE program in 2013. Here’s the thread.

@Cuttlefish123‌ many thanks!
Sounds like a great program!

@SOSConcern‌ 's daughter did SITE . Hopefully she’ll comment.

Both DS and DD did SITE at UA. Highly recommend it. VERY reasonably priced for the experience compared to similar programs at other universities. A great way to discern career options, but also a great way to experience UA engineering facilities, campus, food and dorms. time it for summer after sophomore year if possible, but really later is good too. Both kids are still in touch with students they met there.

My DD did SITE summer before HS senior year, summer 2013. She was exploring different engineering concentrations - going in she was thinking ChE or civil. She finished the SITE program deciding she wanted to major in civil eng. She had an enjoyable week, and got comfortable with the UA facilities, personnel, and met other HS students. Students are eligible if they are a rising HS junior or HS senior.

It certainly helped having that assurance and confidence with her college major narrowed down and selected. Fall 2013 she was able to bring her ACT score up to Presidential level. Now in her second semester at UA and doing well.

UA SITE is not really advertised because it fills up quickly. I found out about it from a HS college fair at the UA table. When DD took the UA SITE program, there were three different weeks offered. UA does a good job with this program (as they do with their other programs).

If a student is strong in science and math, it is worth going to this program - esp. if a student has no exposure to other engineers. We have a fair number of engineers in our family - H is EE, my brother is civil eng, nephew is ChE.

^^many thanks, amigos!

Maybe others can/will post experiences from prior summers, or if any of your students going summer 2015 can then report on their experiences.

Son and a friend attended SITE camp 2012. Both boys really enjoyed the week. It was a great chance for them to get a taste of college and dorm life. I felt like it was a safe well structured atmosphere. Very educational in showing them the different types of engineering. One of the boys attends Bama now in ChemE. The other enjoyed the experience, but it helped him make the decision that engineering was not the route he wanted to go.

Precisely, ParkTN! You can save potentially 1000s of dollars by attending, because you will find out if eng’g is for you! Better to find out before enrolling, I think.