Sitting in the hallway

<p>Just talked to son tonight, and he told me the sky was lime green. Awesome!</p>

<p>Knowing my son, he’d probably want to storm chase – taking his dad and kid brother along for the ride. Weather fascinates all three.</p>

<p>What great stories/tales. When I lived in Texas we had a lot of watches and a few warnings. I learned to fill the bath tub with hot water and soak. I had a second floor apartment and electric hot water heater…inevitably the electricity went out and the hot water would be gone. I’d light candles and take a bath…of course…I never thought out the part about if it really hit the apartment…might have been a compromising situation :slight_smile: We had no where to take cover and wait. I think the apartment is still there although its been a few decades… I’m grateful UA has the sirens and doesn’t hesitate to use them. Anyone who has really experienced the strength of Mother Nature knows better than to challenge her!</p>

<p>Do sirens go off on campus warning of the tornado?</p>

<p>Sirens go off here so frequently that we all just run outside to try and get pics…</p>

<p>Some rough weather going on in T’town right now. Hope everyone is indoors and in a secure place.</p>

<p>Several reports of tornadoes touching down throughout Tuscaloosa. So far nothing on campus yet. Hopefully that will remain so.</p>

<p>I’ve been watching james spann online & texting d. They’ve been in the basement of the ferg. Weathercam caught the rotation but it stayed south of campus. When they started talking about it crossing skyland and mcfarland that was too close for me!</p>

<p>Sirens went off multiple times, but most of us have left the 1st floor hallway by now. The tornado warning for campus has been lifted. I’m back safely ensconced in my room. Macfarland mall area apparently took some damage.</p>

<p>I was just getting off work when the warning started and spent the next two hours in the basement of Nott Hall. Campus is fine, but there are large pools of water everywhere.</p>

<p>Tornado went over my house. Lots of trees and fences down in the area. All of Tuscaloosa south of Skyland is without power.</p>

<p>Arrived here in T-Town at about 12:30 pm to attend Parents Weekend at the sorority and the A-Day game. Spent quite a while this afternoon in the third floor hallway at Tut with my daughter and a gaggle of girls! Just came back to my hotel (Country Inn and Suites) to find that the Tornado apparently went down the west side of McFarland taking out several home right across the street from my hotel as well as damaging the Motel 6. Lots of fire trucks , police cars and electrical crew working in this area. My hotel reports 10 cars with windows sucked out…parking lot looks like a tree bomb went off. Still raining and a little thunder and lightening but the worst is over…what an exciting beginning to a great weekend. On our way to Chuck’s Fish for dinner we saw the Sugarland trailers heading out of town…they had a show that was canceled due to the weather.</p>

<p>Glad to hear all is well and you were not at the inn when the worst occured. I would hate to have to figure out that damage claim with the rental car company!</p>

<p>Relieved to learn that everyone is safe, especially feenotype. Geez, can’t imagine having a tornado go over my house! :frowning: Thanks for the vivid update, ahpimommy.</p>

<p>Son lives on the ground floor and was in his room when I tried to reach him. I guess he already is on the lowest level of the building. </p>

<p>If you live on an upper floor, where are the kids instructed to go during a tornado? Is there a designated area on the ground level?</p>

<p>We were in Tut and they had the girls move to the bottom 3 floors. Loud speakers went off and those instructions were given. RA’s came and checked to make sure the girls were in the halls but then after the initial check many of the girls did return back to their rooms to “look out the windows”…oh my! After the touchdown they came and moved them out of rooms again. Apparently there is a LARGE fine if you do not go to the hall and after bring threatened with this the girls them stayed in the halls until they were told they could return to their rooms. I know that some of DD’s friends were in class at the time and those students were placed in safe places and not allowed to leave those buildings. The Tut parking lot was a swimming pool!!! It was so flooded. When the Tornado Warning was lifted you should have seen all the girls out wading in their rain boots and since the water went above their knees the boots really didn’t do much good. Watched a UA truck literally float through the water trying to bring plywood in to shore up the back entrance of Tut. Even though we have lots of weather like this in Mo. it was definitely an experience to be here during “tornado time”.</p>

<p>I’m glad everyone is safe - but it sounds like fun!!!</p>

<p>Oh my gosh–all I can say is: WOW!!! Thank God y’all are safe. ahpimommy, you sure have a gift for vivid descriptive writing – I felt like I was there. Water over the knees. Floating trucks. Yipes!</p>

<p>I am curious as to how the underground parking garage at Ridgecrest fared. Did it flood? It sounds like it would be prone to flooding, but I would imagine as it is in a heavy rain area they figured that into the engineering.</p>