SJSU Class of 2026 - Regular Decision

Yes. Agree with you. Lot of advice on these forums is that kids do not need to decide on their major until they are enrolled and take some classes. But in schools like SJSU, you flip the choices CS/Software engg and you do not get in.


yeah me neither my app still says application in progress and im in the east bay


Son got in for CS.
Local 4.22 CSU GPA.
I can’t believe it’s so hard now. I guess it’s not a safety anymore.


It depends on whether the math grades are correlated to the rest of the transcript. Someone could take math in 9 and 12 and have less than stellar grades in either 10-11. They will meet a-g requirements and be competitive for CS based on the other courses.

So it’s definitely possible for someone to be competitive for CS and not get into the college of engineering.

I showed my son that he was 2% above the 2021 CS impaction score and 20% above the SE impaction score. Since he was interested in other engg courses he wanted to be in COE and that made the decision simple.

If he had insisted on CS, I would have tried to counsel him away from that choice.

Turns out he would have gotten into CS anyway but if I was applying in the future I would run the numbers and check how much cushion I have relative to prior year thresholds and decide accordingly.

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S got into CE. 4.25 CSU GPA. Phew!!! I used to think SJSU is a walk in for all majors. Not any more. And clearly the ROI is great. Good luck to all who are still waiting

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So happy for my DS22, he got in MIS major(his 1st choice) yesterday afternoon. Got an email at portal too yesterday.

Major - Business administration-management information system
Not sure of his gpa.
In-state, non-local.

I myself am SJSU alumni CS major, so this is nostalgic for me. Can’t believe how tough SJSU CS major has become now to admit. Happy to know my alma mater is not underrated any more :slight_smile: SJSU CS studies was good and rigorous at that time too.
Prospective students to CS watch out for Data structure and algorithm class. Professors use it to weed out /discourage admitted students from SJSU CS. Otherwise
Go Spartans! Clark Hall . Good luck to all waiting.


This makes me sad to hear. They are trying to discourage students who already got through the hurdle of CS admissions? :frowning:

Is there OOS acceptance here?

Thank you! I thought I would share since I had not seen many lower GPA posts which others may be looking for.

While we were thinking the CC route or even gap year, she wanted to “try”.
Her first words after the acceptance were, “i haven’t ruined my future”.
So much pressure put on the young kids, and the pandemic and online did not help. She could not adapt at all and that led us to the assessment for learning struggles and thus the ADHD and Dyscalculia, So on one hand, if online didn’t happen, we would not have caught it and been able to get her into DSPS program and on low dose of meds. I think she’s known something was amiss, but was not able to communicate or share for fear of peers. I also think the idea of “options” for a kid like this is everything in building confidence. No one wants to feel like they don’t have options.


Very glad for your daughter! Good luck for her success @ SJSU and beyond.

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Good luck to your daughter


Be sure to search out the disability dept at the school. In fact, if you are local, you should go and meet with them with your daughter in the next few months. Im assuming that she has a 504? If she doesn’t, start the process on Monday! My son whose stats are above, didn’t learn to read until he was 12 or 13 with intense instruction. He has severe dyslexia and dysgraphia. He basically did community college for hs since I homeschooled him since kindergarten. Having a notetaker in class, having extra time on tests, having access to a Kurzweil program, and a myriad of other accommodations will give her the support that she needs. The issue in college is that you have to search it out. It will not come to you like in hs. She has to learn to advocate for herself and get the help she needs. This is not the time to be worried about what her peers will think. Getting involved with the disability program, she will see that she isn’t the only one. (I prefer calling it the learning differently program) Having dyslexia myself gives me a compassion for my son that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. You can model advocacy for her the first semester. Will be worth its weight in gold. It’s still even hard for me not to listen to that voice in your head saying Im not “smart” enough. In closing, my son is graduating valedictorian out of a few hundred kids and he didn’t want to speak at graduation. I didn’t push it and he had 2 people talk to him and said, this is a great opportunity for you to show kids that learn like you that they can be successful. He agreed to give a speech and I cant wait to hear it. :wink: Big hugs to your kiddo and YOU!

PS: If son doesn’t get into his first choice SDSU, he might end up at SJSU and they can hang out in the disability dept (learning differently dept) together. :wink:

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If I go to this website, it says that an IT admit installed new apps on my dashboard today, Feb 25. I didn’t get my decision yet but I was wondering if this meant that I got in. It includes apps like handshake, nextstep and college of engineering it service.

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I have the same apps

It would mean something if only some waiting applicants have it or it could just be an update to prepare for the decisions ( admit, wl or denied).
Who knows

Thank you so much for all this!! Much appreciated!! :blush:

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3480 would make it to CS this year as that was the cutoff.

SJSU CS is top rated. I work(ed) in FAANG (at least 2 of them) where SJSU is thought about highly. I would say CS is just behind UCB/UCLA/UCSD.

In my neogborhood, I know kids who overlooked admissions to Irvine/SC/Davis to join SJSU CS. Job prospects are way better.

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The best kept secret of silicon valley is leaking out gradually. SJSU CS is awesome. When I visited the campus last time, amazed to see the number of undergrads in CS from India/China attending. Its not just the locals anymore. Its way better (and perhaphs) cheaper for foreign nationals to send their kids to SJSU CS than to a Northeastern or a BU and pay 60-70K tuition, and let them live in terrible cold weather. And opportunities are a million times better than the north east and midwest.

UM Amherst and Penn State are good schools, but I doubt the job prospects are as good as for a SJSU CS grad. I lived in STate COllege (2002/2003) and also close to UMass Amherst (2007-2014), so know the job scenes there.