i got accepted to SJSU and SDSU for their nursing program, and i was wondering which one should i go to

My D attends SDSU as a nursing student. One difference between the programs is that SDSU is a direct entry program. On the other hand SJSU students will have to later apply to be admitted into the nursing program. So you might want to ask what % of students are accepted at that point and what GPA is required and if current nursing students are given priority in the selection process.

Congratulations on your acceptances to these programs. I believe SDSU had nearly 6000 freshmen nursing applicants and enrolled a class of 120 students for Fall of 2018. SDSU nursing students often talk of how they feel they are part of a supportive family. Their nursing adviser ensures they are registered for their required classes and the students aren’t competing with each other for a spot in the program.

@kookieeejar: If you are truly set on Nursing, I do not why anyone would not go with the direct admit at SDSU vs. Pre-Nursing at SJSU other than financial.

Hi @kookieeejar There is no comparison in my opinion between pre-nursing and direct admit nursing. Having that application done. Having your fellow students be companions and not competing with you is so beneficial for all. So for that fact that it is direct alone would make me opt for SDSU. Now given that SDSU is not easy to get selected to for nursing that would weigh in my decision if I were you as well. Not to mention SDSU has the great location in San Diego. Congratulations on having this great choice to make, go Aztecs!

@kookieeejar Congratulations on your acceptances to both schools. Unfortunately, my DD was denied SDSU but accepted to SJSU. Do you mind sharing your stats and ECs. She’s bummed as she would prefer a direct admit program of course. Thank you!

@javamama3 awww, i’m sorry to hear that


  • SAT = 1340
  • weighted GPA = 4.23


  • volunteers at a hospital
  • officer of MedClub (club at my school)
  • volunteered at several other events
  • badminton all 4 years

@kookieeejar Thank you for your reply. Your stats and ECs are impressive. My DD had a 4.0 1400 SATs. Received 5s and a couple of 4s on AP tests. She did not volunteer at a hospital tho as she didn’t realize she wanted to go into nursing until late Jr year. She did volunteer at a nursing home & eventually got a job there and did a lot of other volunteer positions (taught dance at her elem school, church) and leadership positions (varsity dance team, church) and selected for two medical programs. Also an accomplished pianist (11 years), black belt too. It still wasn’t enough. She will probably end up at Seattle U (private/expensive but good program). Just a bummer b/c she didn’t get into any direct in CA & really wanted to stay closer to home.