Skidmore Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

“A lot” harder to get into? The admissions stats don’t seem to support your claim.


Hmm, in all the posts I’ve read before and since I’ve joined, I’ve never seen anyone post their own stats / profile in a seeming attempt to communicate, “what’s going on with this place that just admitted me?” For your one and only post, I have to say it was memorable.

Look, I hesitated to jump in here, because there are some hurt feelings.

Skidmore is need aware. What % of the class is filled with some consideration of need is something I don’t know. Maybe others do. But there are a lot of very good schools that fill their ranks need blind up to a certain point, and then after that point need becomes a factor.

So take the people who are saying “my kid should have been admitted but wasn’t because we need money” with some grain of salt. There are people on this forum who are ex-admissions people and who really know what they’re talking about, and all of them seem to say the same thing. High stats kids get turned down for a variety of reasons; and it’s not always the convenient or feel good one. In one case or another, it may have been because they chose another high stats kid who didn’t need aid, or in another the other high stats kid needed aid too but earned their GPA at a school the college knows is very rigorous, or whatever. They may take another kid with lower stats who’s more interesting. None of us likes to think our kids aren’t as interesting as others to others, but that’s life.

What nobody can tell you is what is going to happen to YOUR daughter when she applies. They may make her one of the many that they support with a lot of aid. We know lots of people who got full support at Skidmore. My D’s boyfriend was one of them. Full scholarship - tuition, room and board - 4 years.

Maybe your D will make a compelling case. You’ll never know if you don’t apply.


Was that merit or financial aid for D’s BF?

Not precisely sure. To be fair to some of the other posters making the point about Skid’s need aware policy, he wasn’t just a random good student with need. He was a coveted athlete. He also presents as a really interesting kid too, but I can’t get into the specifics of course. He came from an esteemed prep school (esteemed academically and athletically for his sport) so they wanted him I think for multiple reasons. But he had no money, so he was full need.

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Any good LAC is good for pre-law. Any good college of any stripe. Frankly, any college period.

Pre-law, as a curriculum, is something that I’m not sure exists anymore. The best prep for law school is to pursue a rigorous undergraduate education that challenges you to think critically. So pretty much anything. I attended law school with Music, math, physics, English, Poli Sci/Gov’t, etc. majors.

If there is one thing I’d make sure you can do before signing up for 3 years of LS is be able to read well. That is, you should be able to handle heavy reading loads and walk away with good comprehension. You also need to be a decent (but not brilliant) writer.

Does anyone know Skidmore’s overall acceptance rate for the class of 2025? I had been told that it was 27% this year but I cant find anything online to verify that?


I don’t know myself. It’ll be interesting to learn.