Skidmore College Regular Decision Fall 2022 Admissions

When a college waitlists an applicant, the applicant is asked to either “accept” or “decline” the waitlist offer; meaning “do you want us to keep you on our waitlist and consider you if/when a spot opens up (accept) or are you no longer interested in this college and would like to withdraw from the waitlist (decline).”

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I got in!

International student from India
33 on ACT (1510 SAT)
Did 1 Virtual event
Sent an academic update to my admin officer in Feb
Was on their mailing list for a long while


My D was accepted!

Stats are:
-1350 SAT 700 V, 650 M (she did decide to submit)

  • 4.22 weighted GPA (about a 3.95 unweighted but her school doesn’t calculate that)
    -4 APs total (2 are this year).
  • Her ECs are mostly “unstructured”. She does a lot of art and RPGs on her own. She didn’t submit a formal portfolio but did make a website and provided the link. She does Creative Writing Club and Gay-Straight Alliance at school but has never taken a leadership role. (I point this out because not every kid is a leader and I’m thrilled she’s been able to get into great schools like Skidmore without checking that box that everyone seems to think you need to have.)

She did go out of her way to demonstrate interest: visited in person in the summer, interviewed, went to a virtual college fair they were a part of, opened and clicked links of emails. She waited until after interviewing and the college fair to submit her app so she could check those contact boxes.

She’s still waiting on 5 schools but I think Skidmore is near the top.


A Full IB student, my school doesn’t do GPA but I got a predicted score of 36/45 for IB, ECs: choir, NHS, student council, volleyball, babysitting (pretty average ECs, in my opinion, lol) technically international because I live overseas but my home state in MD, I did the admissions interview.


did anyone get any merit?

Skidmore doesn’t do Merit except for the Porter and Music scholarships.


Did waitlisted posters do tours /express interest or no ? I’m wondering how much not expressing interest played a factor in getting WL. We were actually scheduled for an in person tour but it was too much (I was doing all the tours as single parent) x2 bc twins and had to cancel. I wonder if that hurt them ?

My D did a virtual admissions event but has never been to the campus, and yes, waitlisted.

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My D only had 1 virtual tour—accepted.


My son (waitlisted) attended virtual admissions events, submitted a music supplement, and was subsequently invited to apply for the Filene Music scholarship, which he did (though was rejected for the Filene). His stats are above the school’s 75th percentile, but we have a low EFC, so would need lots of financial aid to attend.

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His musicianship must be very impressive that he was invited to apply for a music scholarship! Best of luck to him on this rollercoaster of a journey.


We have low EFC too. Is that a factor? Ugh. The one girl I know who got in can pay in full

“Is Skidmore Need Blind? No. Skidmore is ‘need aware,’ meaning we offer all admitted students the financial aid for which they are eligible.”

Because they’re committed to meeting 100% financial need for all their admitted students, they do take financial need into consideration. I don’t see that talked about a lot–it’s great that a college meets 100% financial need, but it does mean some highly qualified, wonderful applicants who would otherwise be a “yes” are going to get waitlisted or denied simply because of finances.

I’m sorry if this may have affected your child’s chances and wish you luck with other schools!

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My son did a boatload of visits (virtual) and in person (twice). We had medium EFC (average for their financial aid which he was granted so it is affordable). He did not submit test scores and had about a 3.9-4.0. He was accepted ED1 (which of course is the ultimate expression of “demonstrated interest” since it’s a commitment to attend).


Thank you. He has a couple of EA acceptances, including to our state flagship (UGA), so he will have some good choices either way. You are right on about the rollercoaster of a journey though!


I’m glad to hear it. It’s so nice to have a few yeses in your pocket while you wait to hear from all the schools. My son’s in the same position. Relieved, would be happy to attend any of the colleges he’s been accepted at, but also interested to see what his full range of choices will be. Nearing the end of the roller coaster for pretty much everyone–sending out good vibes for students holding out hope to be removed from a waitlist.


Yes sending good vibes to everyone. Twins have acceptances at Geneseo and UNC Asheville so far both of which they liked a lot. So if it comes down to that it will all be ok.


My son was waitlisted. He didn’t demonstrate any interest in the school. His stats are:
SAT - 1460 (760/700)
GPA - 3.6 / 4.6
A bunch of AP classes.
Participated/founded several school clubs.

He probably won’t accept the waitlist since he has been accepted to other schools (NEU, Bucknell, Case Western).

Good luck to everyone!

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Wait-listed but am thinking it has a lot to do with my financial aid needs :joy: am international and I would require a full ride to attend. Am still excited to see whether I’ll get off the wait-list which is definitely better than a rejection given my situation. Hoping for the best. Anyone know what I can do to show that am still interested in the school other than accepting the wait-list offer?

My D is a freshman at Skidmore and I have to agree with previous posters that if you need financial aid that bar is set that much higher. Seems unfair but I think the reality. If anyone needs any Skidmore advice happy to share our experience, send me a DM. Good luck everyone. I remember being in your shoes this time last year, it’s so stressful making the final decision but it does come together and so exciting once you hit that accept button!