Skidmore Housing - Here's the real deal from a Soph parent

My daughter is a freshman this fall (2022) and I am sorry to say she is miserable due to the forced triple situation. She is in Jonsson tower. I would add that nine people share one toilet, one shower, and two sinks. She goes to the library across campus to use the bathroom. The description provided by KeyDad001 is 100% accurate in my observation, as an example there wasn’t room for more than one student to move into the room at a time. There is a 4 x 6 area in the center of the room where there is room to move. I am very concerned about the fire hazard aspect of such a crowded situation. Skidmore keeps accepting too many students (they said this year’s class of 788 was their “largest ever”) and has nowhere to put them, and we were unaware of this going in. My daughter is considering a transfer if she is unable to get an accommodation to improve the situation.

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