<p>I'm thinking about taking some anthropology classes in college and am even considering it as a possible option for a major, however I am not that great at Math. I have done well at my more "concrete" Math classes like Algebra, basic Trig, Geometry, Prob/Stat, but not so well at Precalc and Algebra II. I did fine in my sciences, except I am struggling with Physics and I opted for a lower level of Chemistry (but did well in it). Do you need strong Math/Science skills to be successful in anthropolgy? I am thinking more along the lines of socio-cultural antrhopology, not biological anthropology or evolutionary anthropolgy or anything like that.</p>
<p>No, of course not.
(You should wiki anthropology just to make sure you know what it is)</p>
<p>You have to have an interest in studying different cultures. Which is pretty interesting to almost everyone. My favorite college class I've ever had was an anthro class on japanese culture through film.</p>
<p>Oh, no, you're fine. Stats is required here for Anthro, although I haven't taken it yet. Anthropologists use statistical data in their research all the time. Other kinds of math, not really. Here you're just required to take "a math credit" not anything special. </p>
<p>You need a basic knowledge of biology but I didn't actually take bio in college, and I'm doing okay. It's basic stuff like, mitosis and meiosis, DNA, genes, and parts of a cell and things like that. 9th grade biology stuff. Physics or Chemistry definitely not needed for undergrad at least.</p>